Six Magnificent Characteristics of Wise People

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2 years ago

Wise human beings have these following six characteristics that’s why they are unique and more successful than others. If you want to be successful in your life try to adopt these six rules, I am sure you will be victorious in your life.

1- They don’t want to take advice from others:

Wise people always believe in themselves and blindly focus on their passions. They think that others' advice might distract them from their mission. Sometimes when we take advice from a senior or successful person, we get confused and sometimes we forget our own intention, resources and capabilities and we follow others advice and finally we end up getting nothing but loss. If someone gives advice to a wise person he just listens to that piece of advice and thinks for a moment that it is really useful or not and then he makes a decision.

2- They perform their work silently:

They do their work so secretly that sometimes even the left hand is not aware about the right hand. In this world there are few people who really feel happy for your achievements. Mostly get jealous and they start planning to put some hurdles on your way. So it is always better to keep silent while striving for something and let the results tell people about your accomplishments. In short, they don’t share their ambitions and goals until they achieve them.

3- They speak less and listen more:

Speaking is output and listening is input. While speaking you share your knowledge to the audience but while listening you get knowledge from others. It is very obvious when you listen more it will enhance your wisdom and understanding. Having good knowledge will lead you to success and it will raise your status in the society. Briefly, listening will make you skillful and expert so it is always good to listen more than speak.

4- They don’t quarrel to anyone:

Quarrels and disagreement of arguments are part of life. We all face such situations in our life where we lose our temper and we try to thrash others. Wise person always avoids such situations because he knows that if he does this and makes himself engaged in such activities, he will never be able to achieve his goal. He always tries to find ways to prevent himself from such situations and he focuses on his destination. There is a famous proverb as well “If you want to be successful don’t throw stones toward every barking dog”.

5- They love their family the most and ignore rest of the world:

Your family is a blessing for you, so wise men always prefer their family over the rest of the world. Only your family loves you without having any intention of getting benefits from you. For example when you are in hospital, only your family will be in the hospital to take care of yourself. Your friends, colleagues and other relatives leave you abandoned in the time of tribulation. So never ignore your family and take care of them as much as you can.

6- They ignore unnecessary things:

Wise people always ignore those things which resist them towards his progress. You have to be lighter as you can’t fly high having a lot of weight of needless and futile things. If you take an example of a rocket, it releases its lower part after reaching a certain height and further releases its worthless load after acquiring another height and only worthwhile part, which is the head of a rocket, reaches into space. Same scenario happens with humans as many times while achieving goals we come across many things that we don’t like at all but we have to ignore them and keep moving ahead. If we keep thinking about a lot of things, there are pretty good chances that we can’t reach our destination.

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2 years ago


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$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your article is very analytical. Straight to the point. More power to your elbow. No doubt you are Wise too.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly these things always exist in a wise person, and seriously we should ignore unnecessary things which are nothing more than a hurdle in our life and of course we should give priority to our families and love them from the depth of our hearts.

$ 0.01
2 years ago


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2 years ago