Four Rules to Live a Wonderful Life

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Avatar for Alexander_349
2 years ago

We all want to live a peaceful, comfortable and successful life. In order to achieve these things in our life, we have to take care of four areas of our lives. If we improve these four areas, our life would be joyful. This research is based on my personal experience and if you follow it then definitely you will get a lot of benefits in your life.

Be Conscious about investment:

You should always be careful while investing your time, attention, power and money on different things and in this investment your emotions should not be involved. Sometimes we invest in those things which we like, and sometimes we invest when we become greedy about something. This is completely wrong. In simple words, emotion based investment always leads you to regret. When you have to buy something or to make a deal of a business then always think that this investment is emotion free. In short words, do solid calculation and draw conclusion before investment. Sometimes you invest your time and energy with bad company of friends just for temporary enjoyment which is futile in the long run and on the other way around you can utilize this precious time to do other worthwhile things. Hence always think carefully and wisely before investing time, money and attention so that you can get maximum benefits and prevent yourself from loss.

Be a giver not taker:

It is always better to be a giver than a taker. There are so many things to give to others like your attention, your kind words for others or your small money to help others. Being a giver will always make you proud, powerful and capable in your eyes. Being capable in our own eyes gives us a great confidence to take more actions for the betterment of humanity. Keep doing analysis of yourself, where you are falling and what your position is. When you go to your bed at night, think about the day and calculate how much attention, help and power you gave to others and how much you took from others. If you took more than you need to work on yourself so that you can minimize your takings and can extend your giving’s.

Think carefully before putting your opinion:

It is very important to remember that always think wisely before giving your opinion, statement or comment to others. If you pass a comment on social sites or on other platforms without having much attention, believe me you will feel regret after some time. Sometimes people take screenshots of those comments that are against them and in the future they can give you proof of your statements. You should understand that you are creating your profile on social media and it is being stored in data houses and it will be there after some decades. Even psychologists can even judge your psyche from your opinion and comments for others. However, be conscious about whatever you are putting/ posting on social sites.

Always forgive others before prayers:

Prayer is such a powerful tool and source to share our feelings, problems and demands to GOD. Some of us are found saying that our prayers are not fulfilled. We pray a lot to GOD but God does not listen to us. The reason is that we don’t forgive others before praying. Let me make you understand with the help of an example. If you did not clean a place and you put flowers over there then there are pretty much chances that you smell the stink of garbage instead of flower’s fragrance. Negative forces have more power than positive. So, clean your heart and forgive all those people who have insulted you or who have done something bad with you. Your prayers will be fulfilled and you will be awarded whatever you want.

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Avatar for Alexander_349
2 years ago


No doubt you are gifted. Knowledgeable and mentally sound.

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2 years ago

Thank you

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2 years ago

Welcome to this platform, your writing skills are good. Keep working hard and it seems you will get Rusty's attention soon because you have the capability of writing.

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2 years ago

Thank you

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