Do You Snore? | Reasons and Solutions

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Avatar for Alexander_349
2 years ago

Many People have snoring problem and they are very worried about this. The worst part of this disease is that other people who are in the same room while sleeping get disturbed and irritated because snores are very annoying for them.

Scientifically what are snores and how can we overcome this disease? The first thing is that all kinds of snores are not really dangerous for human health and you don't need to worry about it. On the contrary, sometimes snores are symptoms of some other serious diseases and they are alarms for us so that we can get ourselves checked by doctors and combat disease as early as possible.

Let us try to understand how snores are actually produced. Air enters into our lungs through our nose or mouth. These two parts are then further connected to Larynx and Trachea and finally this Trachea is divided into two tubes which are connected to lungs. Air returns from lungs through the same path. If there is any hindrance or resistance in this path then it is difficult for air to go in or out from lungs easily and due to this reason we snore. This resistance can be due to any tonsil in the throat or due to any swell in the throat. Apart from these reasons, there is a very common reason which is obesity. Those people who are very obese, have large sized tissues in throat and these mussels get relaxed while sleeping and act as resistance against air flow in the breathing path. Even a fat person's tongue gets relaxed when he lays down on bed for sleep and this also acts as an obstacle for air flow.

You have observed one thing in those persons who snore that while snoring, air creates different sounds and these sounds are very similar to concertina. Eventually, a time comes when their breath stops due to choking of tubes and they get awake shockingly. This is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sometimes this Apnea comes for some seconds and the patient gets up and activates his mussels and by doing this he removes obstacles and he feels normal. But sometimes this Apnea continues for a few minutes which is really bad for human health. If this period of this Apnea continues expanding then this can cause many severe diseases like blood pressure, depression and heart disease. Moreover, this patient has a weak immune system due to lack of oxygen in the body. Apart from this, due to these spells of Apnea your sleep would be incomplete. For example if you slept for eight hour, you would still feel tired because of these Apneas. And it is very possible that you can take naps unintentionally while driving. If your driver is obese, there are high chances that your driver can take a nap and you might have an accident. So be careful to hire an obese driver.

You should not ignore snoring. If you are not fatty and you snore with high intensity, then this is not a good sign because this indicates a disease and in this situation you need to visit a doctor immediately. The solution for obese persons is that they should try to lose their weight because this is the only solution for them. No medicine will work until they get slim. They should focus on their diet as it plays a vital role to reduce weight and proper exercise is mandatory.

In conclusion, if you are facing snoring then the first thing you need to do is to diagnose the actual cause of snoring. If you are overweight then reduce your weight immediately. In short words, take care of your health and put some mercy on your roommate as they suffer too from your snores.

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Avatar for Alexander_349
2 years ago


Please add a sponsor's block to your page so people who want to be your sponsor can sponsor you.

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2 years ago

Sure, I will

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think people needs to see this your article. Because most of them believe they snore because they are fat. Whereas we have slim people that snore too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are right. If someone has this problem, he must visit doctor.

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2 years ago