Compound Effect | Magic of Consistency

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2 years ago

First time the king played chess, he enjoyed it a lot and he was very happy. He ordered his ministers to bring the creator of this game to the castle. They brought him to the fort and the king met with him. King said, “I got impressed by your invention, demand me whatever you want and your demand will be fulfilled". Creator replied, “Give me one grain of rice in one square of chess and its double in the next and its further double in the next and continue this until the last square of the chess board and sum of all grains of rice would be my prize. King got a little bit angry and said, “I can give you diamonds and gold and you are demanding some grains of rice”. Creator said, “Thank you majesty but those grains of rice are sufficient for me. King ordered his minister to fulfill his demand according to his wish. After this order, management started to give rice to him. After some days, the minister came to the king and said, “King he was a clever person and we are unable to give him rice according to wish. First it is very hard to count these grains up to sixty fourth square. If we weigh grains in the middle and multiply it to the last square then the total weight would be around 210 billion tons, which is approximately equal to the whole wealth of this world. King shock and got furious because he felt insulted. He ordered to kill that clever man.

The main purpose of telling you this story is to elaborate the importance of compound effect. How this compound effect affects our success or failure. Now without further ado let’s go to the actual definition of compound effect. If we set some small changes in our daily routine and continue practicing these changes every day for a long time with consistency then after some time it produces huge results. When most people decide to make a change in their lifestyle, they practice for some days or months, when they don’t see any result or positive change, they quit. Never give up and always continue your struggle. Once Einstein was asked, “which is the most important or inspiring thing for you?” He said that he was inspired by compounding power. He used to say that compounding power is the most powerful thing in the world. Who understands this knowledge will earn and who doesn't will pay.

If we analyze our life, there are many things that we have included in our life without any good reason. Even some routines are really harmful for our life but we ignore them and continue with them. In the long run, we lost many worthy things in our life. For example, you are addicted to tea and you take five cups of tea every day. Suppose you take one teaspoon of sugar in one cup and as a whole five teaspoon sugar per day. Now you can calculate easily how much sugar you consume every year and how much fat you get from that sugar. On the other hand, if you start putting half a teaspoon then how much sugar you can save. To sum up, our tiny change in our life can make a huge difference in our life after some years.

In conclusion, don’t expect immediate reward for your small positive changes. Never think about why there is no result of your actions that you have done. For sure you will get reward for your hard work but you need patience and consistency.

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Avatar for Alexander_349
2 years ago


I like the last paragraph of your article. It's a reminder for me. Thank you.

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2 years ago

Thank you

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