Resident Evil HD Remaster, A Wonderful Horror Game That No One Should Miss!

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Avatar for AlastorGamer
2 years ago

The first Resident Evil was a game that introduced many people to the survival horror genre, unfortunately it has not been able to stand the test of time as its graphics, voice acting and even its script became outdated very quickly, so in 2002 Capcom released a Remake build from ground of this title, which was an extraordinary improvement over the original game, so today I will talk about this magnificent survival horror.

If the original Resident Evil was praised at the time its remake would not be the exception, the specialized media lauded its graphic quality and the terrifying gothic style of the Spencer mansion, as well for its new gameplay and narrative improvements, highlighting the great atmosphere generated by the title.

However this was not just an ordinary Remake, it is regarded as a masterpiece in the history of videogames, not only because it respects the original game, but also because it improves to the maximum in every department by adding completely new zones and enemies.  

As an example we have the subplot of Lisa Trevor which did not exist in the original title, the inclusion of the crimson head that forces us to burn the zombies with kerosene, to prevent them from reanimating or the cemetery that housed the terrifying catacombs, where it was also included a completely new riddle, so all these additions gave a refreshing change to the difficulty and the game itself.

The graphical aspect was also completely renewed, adding numerous details in the new pre rendered backgrounds that in turn fit perfectly with the three-dimensional models of the characters and objects scattered around the environments. It also brought to us new gameplay features such as self-defense weapons in addition to personal weapons for each protagonist, a very important fact is the original playable sections for Jill and Chris were respected very well. Another remarkable aspect is the magnificent soundtrack and how it play with our uncertainty, generating suspense in many moments and situations.

Although it is a wonderful game and was very well received by critics and the public, at the time it did not reap good sales because of the low popularity of the Nintendo GameCube, many believe that if the game had been ported to the PS2 it would have enjoyed greater sales, detail with which I completely agree. Fortunately today we have this awesome game remastered in HD available for almost all modern platforms, it is worth noticing the 2016 Remaster also added improvements by updating the control system and new costumes for each of the two protagonists.

Resident Evil Remake is definitely a game that I highly recommend to every gamer and especially to those who want to feel a great experience of classic survival horror. Besides that I think this is the definitive Remake of a game because it retains all the content of the original title and if that was not enough, it has many additions to offer a renewed experience, so if you have the opportunity do not hesitate to play it.  

What do you think? Have you ever played Resident Evil Remake?

  • The first image was edited by me in Vegas Pro 17 and the other two were captured while playing the game on my PC.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Geri
Avatar for AlastorGamer
2 years ago


Old japanese horror games knew how to give you goosebumps.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, they have a special touch :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago