were times I didn't like myself. I would always dream of being the ideal girl I painted in my mind. I thought I was never good enough. I was too fat, ugly and I couldn't do what others could do. What I didn't know was that I told myself lies that held me back from becoming who God wanted me to be.
Think about it, there's no perfect person. There were some people I thought had a perfect life but when I drew closer, I was shocked to discover I was better off or they weren't how I perceived them.
God made everyone unique and with different strengths and weaknesses. The moment you start to dwell on your weaknesses, you start treading a wrong path. And this is the reason why a lot of people don't like themselves. They dwell on what they are not or can't do and neglect the numerous potentials God deposited in them.
Trust me, all the people, even celebrities, you think are perfect or have a perfect life, actually do not. They only dwell on their strengths and you admire them for that. Why don't you find out those strengths and use them to become who God made you to be?
Here are some tips:
Find true love
Sounds funny right? But it's what helped me. True love can only be found in Christ. I found true love that helped me feel God's love and see the great purpose and plans He had for me. I saw myself differently and began to love me for me.
Follow your purpose & passion
a sense of fulfilment and self-love you feel when you are doing what you were made for. It makes you see yourself as valuable especially if you are impacting lives. God has great plans for you. Let Him guide you. Have you found out what God made you for? Why do you exist?
Develop a thik skin
People will always say negative things about you. Your ability to differentiate what you should use to improve yourself and what you should discard is very important. A thick skin will help you not care what people say. It will help you stay sane amidst criticisms.
Develop yourself
You just cannot settle for who you are now. Developing yourself will make you better and not feel inferior. Get closer to God, read good books, take courses that will enrich you and be around people that will add value to you.
Know your worth. Know who you are. Know whom you have and you'll love yourself and never wish to be someone else.
If you need further help in loving and developing yourself, you could join our community where we find emotional healing and move on to our dreams. Comment "Hi" or send a DM if interested.
Stay blessed, I care.
To love yourself means to accept yourself as you are and to come to terms with those aspects of yourself that you cannot change. It means to have self-respect, a positive self-image, and unconditional self-acceptance