How Can We Determine a Person's True Personality? Their True Color?

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Avatar for AkoyFilipina
2 years ago
Topics: Personality

TRUE COLORS - Most often than not, we interact with all sorts of people day-in day-out. Your "friendly" neighbors, ex-classmates, close friends, relatives, co-workers, bosses, associates and even immediate family members come to mind. Each and every one of them possess a distinct personality or character traits. Depending on your physical exposure and time spent with these individuals, it can be quite difficult to instantly see or perceive people's true colors. Now, the question is - how can we determine a person's true personality? Their true color?

This is me trying hard to hide my deepest secrets. My eyes have cried a million tears. My heart has felt the most pain. And even my smile can't hide a thousand problems.

To know more of a person's true color, one must be very observant. Don't just ignore people around you. You must stay focused and develop awareness of your surroundings and the people you interact with. In many instances when things are going on smoothly in our lives we tend to ignore things and the people around us. But when we are plagued with personal problems or trials in life, whom can we turn to? Yes, we may have close friends and family members, but who among them will readily lend you a hand and give you the support you need, be it material or emotional. A shoulder to cry on so to speak. Only then can you truly spot the true color of individuals within your circle of friends or acquaintances. In most cases, people tend to shy away from problematic individuals.

Behind my seemingly happy smile lies a pain that one can never know.

A modern philosopher once said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time". This may mean first impression counts. That person may look respectful and trustworthy but how sure can you be? He can be at first but as time goes by he can also do you wrong or get you into trouble. Like I said earlier, avoid being ignorant. Be observant. Don't be easily swayed by feelings or how handsome that person looks and how charismatic he may be. Always beware! There are many sayings about this type of person -"A wolf in sheep's clothing ". Or, "Never judge a book by its cover". Even the closest of your family members can have such a type of personality. They may shower you with praises and glory while you pamper them with gifts and financial support. But when the going gets rough on you, their true colors begin to show. You now become an ingrate, a good for nothing and useless family member. In other words, you see a person's TRUE COLORS when you are no longer beneficial to them.

That said, here is one inspiring quote I want to share with you,


Let this be your guiding principle in life for you to project your very best color to your fellowmen. And always remember this,

"A person's TRUE COLORS will always show within time. You may be fooled for the moment, but be patient and see what happens."


A woman of few words. Cryptocurrency user since 2015.

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Avatar for AkoyFilipina
2 years ago
Topics: Personality


Sabi nga nila tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.Anyway ako kasi yung taong lagi nlang napapagkamalang strikta at masungit.Yung ung kadalasang first impression ng tao sa akin dahil na din sa the way I look and the loud of my voice.Pero actually super friendly kung tao at ganito lng talaga ang boses ko at ang insura ko

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ayyy... para lang pala tayong kambal 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome to, sis! Let my friends tell me my true colors! It's gonna be biased if I say, I'm badass 😉

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ay bet... may paganern. Haha. Meron ka na pala first article now ko lang nabasa.

Anyway it's true, actions speak louder than words.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

People will reveal some of their colors depending on the circumstances :D Un akala ko kilala mo na magugulat ka na lang may ganun pala silang side na di mo alam :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

ayun... first article mo ba to?

sa totoo lang, di ako magaling sa ganito, usually kasi, I believe people easily pero hindi rin ako nag eeffort mag establish ng relationship, so I try to make my circle small lang talaga... mostly family but again, hindi lahat ng family is also true to you...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yep di na gaano gumagana utak ko sa tagal ng inactive sa blogging haha yan lang naisip ko nag Alangan pa nga ako ipublish kasi 3 minutes read lang 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly whoever tries to show his best in dealing with us, we should try to understand his personality in dealing with his subordinates.

$ 0.01
2 years ago