Small things

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3 years ago

Hello, this is Akianne your trying hard writer! πŸ˜‰

Every wake up in the morning was always a blessing to everyone.

This morning I am watering our plants outside the house. I am so happy to see the flowers bloom and our sili plants growing. My heart was full of happiness when I'm looking at them. And I saw a wonderful butterfly that perched in our Santan (chinese ixora) flower and I take a picture of it ⬇️

I really love butterflies and also flowers, it really makes me happy. I feel like I am a little child that happy even in a small things.

And there is a point too, when I really want a tattoo of a 3d butterfly but unfornately it didn't happen because in my work it is not allowed to have a tattoo but its a long time ago.

And that is my little happiness. What's yours?

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Thankyou for reading! ☺️ Have a wonderful day!

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3 years ago
