Why do I play MMORPGs?

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2 years ago
Topics: 2022, Mmorpgs, Games, Fun

Individuals drawn to mmorpgs are those who enjoy role-playing online with other actual people, hence the term mmorpg (massively multiplayer online roleplaying game). Not surprisingly, many MMORPG gamers rarely play any other form of game (or, at the very least, do not devote nearly as much time to other game genres).

The true draw is the social interaction and character development.

While other genres, such as single-player role-playing games, open-world, first- and third-person action, and so on, share some of the same characteristics, MMORPGs go above and beyond in terms of giving the player the sense of being a part of a living, breathing virtual world.With elements like player housing, a player-driven economy, factions, a large player capacity, and an enormous world, it often distinguishes itself from other video game genres.

While role-playing is a significant component of the genre, the genre has become more informal over time (i.e., accessible to casual gamers). While I understand the rationale behind the transition (more subscribers equals more income), this shift comes with a price.

The majority of games are no longer as complex as they once were.


Combat has shifted away from skill-based combat and toward action-based combat.


The developers and players have gotten less concerned with the lore.


Single-player (solo) gameplay modes such as "fetch and return," "go kill 5 xxx," "find key, open door," and so on.


Due to the game's increased emphasis on loot, you begin to feel like your part-time job is picking up rubbish, managing your trash bags, and disposing of trash at the dump, rather than wandering out into the world with a purpose.

This trend toward a more casual approach has resulted in the genre's stagnation, as creators continue to create duplicates of the same elements with each new game. That is why you will still witness players playing games that were released ten years ago or more. There is simply no need to play a new game with the same or fewer features. The majority of MMO players do not prioritize graphics.

Let's hope that future games restore the sensation of living in a world rather than an open space filled with meaningless minigames and all-day grinding.

$ 0.15
$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: 2022, Mmorpgs, Games, Fun
