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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Dog, Servant, King

A band of wild dogs belonged to the late ruler of a certain town. All of his servants were tormented and eaten by him, including those who had committed a mistake. One of the servants stated an incorrect opinion, and the monarch was not happy with it in the slightest. The servant was then thrown to the wolves as a result of his actions, which he had ordered.

After ten years of service with the company, the servant screamed, "You treat me like this?" Thank you for giving me 10 days' notice before you throw me to the wolves!" Apparently, the king was on board with the proposal.

A few days into the ten-day period, the servant contacted the guard in charge of the dogs and assured him that he would be happy to offer service to them for the next ten days. The guard was surprised at first, but soon agreed to the servant's offer. The servant began feeding the dogs, cleaning for them, bathing them, and giving them other types of comfort.

Following the completion of the ten-day period, the king issued an edict ordering that the servant be thrown to the dogs as a form of punishment. Everyone was taken aback when we realized that the hungry dogs were only interested in licking the servant's feet when he was dumped into the water!

"The king, bewildered by what he was watching, exclaimed," the king said.

When I asked what happened to my dogs, she responded, "Can you tell me what happened to my dogs?"

Even though I'd just been working with the dogs for ten days, they didn't forget about me, the servant explained in reply. After 10 years of service, despite the fact that I had committed my first and only error, you seemed to have forgotten everything. "

The Monarch acknowledged that he had made a mistake and ordered that the servant be released.

This post is intended to send a message to anyone who, as soon as someone makes a mistake in their eyes, forgets all of the good things that person has done for them. If you disagree with a mistake in the past, don't discard a history that is filled with pleasant occurrences.

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Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Dog, Servant, King
