We need you to be who you are

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Self, Facts, Advice, Lessons, Lion, ...

"A man and his wife took a trip to the zoo," the woman recalled. They came upon a Monkey who was engrossed in a passionate embrace with his mate. She complimented him on his "romantic animal" qualities.

As a result, they came across a lone lion and his female companion, who appeared to have been separated from each other. His wife told him, "What a depressing scene without love."

He then instructed her to throw the stone at the Lioness and see what happened. As soon as she hurled the stone, the Lion roared in defense of his lioness, then she was asked to repeat it with the monkey, the monkey climbed up and abandoned his girlfriend to save himself.

His wife was then warned by her husband, "Don't be mislead by what you see as romance in outward display; often times it is a deceptive appearance simply to disguise an empty heart; there are others on the contrary who are relaxed but their hearts are full of real love."

Currently, there are a lot of monkeys in the shadows, but very few Lions."

It's not necessary for you to be someone else for us to be happy. We need you to be who you are. You are the only person in the world who has had the same experiences as you. You're one-of-a-kind. You're one of a kind. No one else can speak with the same passion and originality that you do, and no one else can write or listen to or create in the same manner that you do. ⁣\s⁣

One of your biggest strengths is your ability to succeed. So are your mistakes. As a result of your wounds and scars Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. Rejections and the path you've taken since. These are the things that define you as an individual. ⁣\s⁣

It's a never-ending quest to improve your abilities as a creative person. It's not easy, but the trip is what makes it worthwhile.. ⁣\s⁣

Put down the comparisons with other people's stories. You are so much better than the people with whom you keep up a virtual or real-life comparison. In God's image and likeness, you were made, and he has great plans for you. When you're constantly comparing yourself to others, you're depriving yourself of the opportunity to build something new for yourself. ⁣\s⁣

As far as we're concerned, we're not worthy of comparison to those who boast of their achievements. They aren't intelligent when they compare themselves to themselves and measure themselves against themselves." 2 Corinthians " 10:12 ⁣\s⁣

In a world filled with impostors, be a Christ-like example to others. He will straighten out your trajectories.

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Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Self, Facts, Advice, Lessons, Lion, ...
