Three poems dedicated to someone special

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Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Poem, Parenting, Inlove


Dedicated to special someone

I was lying in my bed, I couldn't sleep

Suddenly tears fall down in my cheek

I'm counting on the days, how many nights to go

I want to go home to be with you.

I missed the hug, I missed the kisses

I missed the mess, I missed your sweetness

I missed the house, I missed the kitchen

Specially the know what I mean..

Don't worry honey, I'll be back soon

Just be good and fight for temptation

Take care of yourself, take care of the children

One day when you wake up, I'm already

Beside you and won't leave you anymore.


How can I tell thee....

My feelings that you cannot see

I try my best to make this flee

If you know you may avoid me

Loving you is my inspiration

Everyday you are my admiration

Even if I don't have your attention

I'm still so happy we have communication.

There are so many guys courting me

They are so handsome and very charming

But I'm still sad and lonely

Because the one I love, he only ignore me.

Every night I always pray

That you'll love me the same and you will say

Even when you are very far away

I'm always here waiting for you everyday.


AS my eyes, start to wake

It is you 'd always think

Whispering the words to the wind

And sent to you my warm Hello

Every time the clock ticks

It's like my heart that beats for you

How I wish l can stop the time

So I'l be with you all the time.

When l hear your voice

lt's like a music full of melody in to my ears

Saying those words from the deep of my heart

"I love you for a million times.

So l'd thank you for being With me

Giving your time and presence too

Promise for you, I will be yours

No one to love, but only you're

Forever,"In my heart is you

$ 1.41
$ 1.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @DanLawan
Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Poem, Parenting, Inlove


This beautiful, so much love and longing. I hope he feels thesame way as you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago