Something supernatural behind?

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2 years ago

Every single time without fail. In addition to this, they can be found in a vast array of different forms and dimensions, including those of living creatures as well as those from other dimensions.

Sometimes I'll receive a clear impression of what's going on, such as when I watch a person or animal move or when I observe myself sitting on the bed. On the other hand, there have been times when the energy in my home or in my room has shifted due to the presence of other people. My astrological sign, Taurus, has given me a long and illustrious history of expressing my feelings in a wide variety of methods over the years. Because I am an empath, which gives me the ability to feel what the living go through, I am able to get a sense of what the people who are considered to be dead went through. This enables me to do my job as a medium. Although this is the case, the assertion appears to be made in a clear manner.

It is a proven fact that people will try to convince you otherwise due to their own insecurities, and because of this, it is more vital than ever for me to believe in myself and the things that I have experienced than it has ever been for me to do so in the past. Since the year 2000, I've gained a greater awareness of their existence; nevertheless, I haven't shared much about it due to the fact that I've had a great deal of encounters with the supernatural during the course of my life. When the planet goes through transitions, more and more people will become aware of the different realms that are out there, which will result in an increase in the number of people who have these talents and who are curious about activating connections. After that, the curtain will be pulled back, and you will have the opportunity to encounter more ghosts, spirits, or whatever you like to name them.

Is something be something?

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Written by
2 years ago
