Read it, in case you feel down

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Avatar for Akane
Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Story, Motivation

Hello everybody,

To everyone who used to nail it all the time. To everyone the world knew to be good at anything they do and anywhere they’re thrown into. To everyone who seems to have everything figured out, whose feet are always on the right path, whose achievements are everyone else’s dream.

To everyone who always win on their younger years so the world doesn’t allow them to fail when they grow up. To everyone whose loses capture everyone’s attention more than their victories.

To you, who feels like failing isn’t acceptable because everyone expects you to always win,

you are allowed to mess up sometimes. You are allowed to do certain decisions and regret it sooner. To get a low score, to be the last in the list, to be rejected, to disappoint people. You are allowed to not know what to do, to say the wrong words, to ask for help, to worry about the future. You are allowed to fall short, to fall back to zero, to start all over again.

To everyone who lived their lives reaching the expectations of people, it’s okay to be inadequate. You’re not your best everyday and it’s okay.

This is exactly what I was thinking of last night.

When they keep on saying "Kaya mo yan" or "Ikaw pa", it just puts more pressure on you because people expect you to succeed. When what we really want to hear is "Do your best but if you do fail, know that it's okay and I'm here to help you stand back up again" like you know what I'm saying???

Nothing is permanent ,the ups and downs in life would make us stronger, to face the true meaning of our existence in this challenging world.Hold onto God He will make our path easier to achieve our dreams.


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$ 0.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Akane
Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Story, Motivation
