Please be aware

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2 years ago

Please don't suffocate this sensation of affection. Because of love, you become a better person. In the absence of love, hatred can have the most detrimental effects on your mind and body.

The decision to be single is solely yours. Don't base your decision on what your parents are going through in their lives. To what extent your parents' lives are what they are is directly related to their responses and reactions to your connection. I'm well aware of the power parents wield over their children. But deciding to remain single for the rest of your life is simply a way to avoid a circumstance that may or may not arise in the near future. Despite the fact that life can be unpredictable, it doesn't imply that it has no good in store for us in the future. And how can you be so certain that history (the life of your parents) will repeat itself in your case? Be optimistic about the future.

A beautiful girl makes your heart flutter only because your inner self isn't happy with your decision to be alone.

Never assume you will be a lousy parent. How can you say that? Are you some sort of soothsayer who can precisely forecast future events? If you believe what I say, eventually you may look back and regret not entering into a relationship.

Let yourself be who you are. You can always trust your intuition since it will never mislead you. You only get one shot at this life. Make the most of every moment. If you wish to remain single, then keep your mind occupied with worthwhile endeavors. I believe that it is the only way to keep it from wasting its time pondering.

You don't have to strive to put an end to these romantic feelings. The desire to have a beautiful woman as a partner is as natural to a person as breathing. Therefore, if you experience feelings of love whenever you see a woman, please keep in mind that this is merely an attraction and desire to be with a beautiful woman. There is a lot of confusion between these two.

In order to avoid being the worst parent to your child due to the fact that your own parents were the worst, you may simply try not to be the worst parent to your child and offer them everything that you didn't get.

To answer your question, you can focus on anything else to distract yourself from the love feeling.

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Written by
2 years ago
