Keep on writing

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2 years ago

"I am a firm believer in the power of words and art to generate emotional responses from people."-Akane

THE SOCIETY HAS BEEN ABLE TO TRANSMIT THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES DUE TO JOURNALISM. The way a homographic pun-society learns about issues is by publishing them. They inspire me to write stories about them. Maintaining a secular perspective on all aspects of life, one that is free of bias and conformism.

Writers have the power to alter people's perceptions of the world. I want to be a journalist who makes a difference in the world by reaching out to and assisting those who are marginalized. I aspire to be a caring journalist. We want to be able to elicit emotions from people, to make people aware of what really matters in the world, and to speak for those who are unable to speak for themselves.

I am a firm believer in the power of words and art to generate emotional responses from people. A journalist has the ability to transmit compassion, wrath, hatred, remorse, and sadness through words, which practically every human on the planet employs. A well-written feature piece on an impoverished tribe in the upland community can persuade someone to make a significant donation. A passionate and fervent opinion essay about why one should follow God has the capacity to convert the masses. Even the most sexist individual can be converted into a feminist by reading a news report written strategically and logically about workplace mistreatment of women and how women are treated incorrectly in various areas. Journalists have the power to change the world.

For the past nine years, I've worked as a journalist. People have complimented me on my ability to create a decent article. I've been called names that made my heart swell and inspired me to keep pursuing my passion and kindling the fire within me. Despite the negative connotations associated with journalists—liars, pokers, prodders, phony, insincere, and cruel people who feed the public lies—I still want to be one of them.

Apart from the poor press that the field and many journalists have received, we are so much more than the rumors that have been spread.

We are here to offer you with a sense of comfort and familiarity, to inform you to the best of our ability, and to inspire you as much as we can. I'm still a student, with research papers, schoolwork, projects, and jobs to complete, just like you and everyone else, but how could I not prioritize my first love?


Please don't misinterpret this. Journalism is not a glamorous or posh profession. Journalists put their lives on the line for it. Some people have been kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. It isn't always upbeat and positive. It is real, difficult and emotional. It can be sad or unfortunate and suck the creativity and happiness from us.

So what does it really mean to be a journalist? To take the risk, share what is needed to be shared, almost always finding compassion and loving [almost] every second of what we do.


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2 years ago
