Is it normal to talk myself?

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2 years ago
Topics: Psychology, Myself, Talking, Alone, Advice, ...

I talk to myself all the time. When I'm at home, I do it every day. When I leave the house, I put on my headphones, wander about, and hold full-blown discussions with myself out in the open. Does this mean there's a problem here?

Photo from google

What I can tell you is that this behavior isn't completely out of the ordinary. Some people talk to themselves more than others, but it's not unusual for people to talk to themselves in detail or regularly.

My favorite thing about it is that I can never help but do it. Why some people do this is a mystery to me. I've been known to wander around in circles in my room while I'm daydreaming or conversing with myself.

It aids my concentration and gives me extra energy, both of which I greatly appreciate. However, I feel depleted of all energy when I have to report to work. My introversion may be to blame (introverts get their energy from being alone and thinking a lot).

While this may sound a little cringe-inducing, for me, it's just the way I go about things. Most of the time, I speak alone to myself, but there are instances when I do so in front of an audience. This is something I've been doing since I was approximately seven years old, and it's something I do a lot. I notice that I usually do it when I’m walking to places, like my movement helps my brain think of stuff to say or invent scenarios to spew forth. Sometimes I just want to get up, go outside, and walk around my backyard to get rid of scenarios and ideas that have been building up in my head for a while.Also, depending on what I’m talking about, I have to be wandering around a certain spot in my backyard, or else it doesn’t feel right.

When I talk about them, it feels like I'm painting a picture, as if I'm describing something. My mom and siblings constantly notice this when I’m outside talking, and they don’t really mind it--but of course they think it’s odd, and I do, too. Of course it is. It's not a horrible thing, but I have to realize that it's just who I am.

As long as it isn’t interfering with your regular life, school, career, relationships, and general success, it actually isn’t that horrible at all. I'd urge you to get professional help if that's the case. Other than that, you are fine as you are. Everyone has a unique personality. There is no "average" human being. What exactly constitutes "normal"?

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$ 1.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Psychology, Myself, Talking, Alone, Advice, ...


It is normal. In fact talking to oneself is often taken as intelligence according to some eassays. Most renowned scientist have the habits of talking to themselves while alone.

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2 years ago