How do I tell my neighbor I'm in love with her?

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2 years ago

Is that your first romantic encounter with her? In such a situation, provided she has any sense at all, she will run as quickly as possible.


"I love you" is a significant statement.


It usually occurs once the relationship has developed sufficiently. It typically occurs only when you are assured that it will be welcomed warmly, or at the absolute least, will not have the chilling impact that an unexpected occurrence is certain to have. It usually occurs only when you suspect she is concealing facts on the same subject from you.

While I am not a relationship expert, I have fought a few fights for love. The agony of unrequited love (or infatuation) is painful. It frequently results in the person feeling those sentiments becoming terribly wounded, suffering almost uncontrollable envy, and coining the phrase "eating your heart out." That is not how love is defined. That is how limerence is defined (look it up). Stalker is the closest station. It's a perilous route, my friend, and almost never leads to the intended result.


Rather than that, you should instead perform the following: To begin with, regain your composure. You are not head over heels in love with her. You're in love with her. You have fallen in love. You're treating her sexually as if she were an object. Objectification This must change. Remain calm; she is a unique individual with her own thoughts and feelings. She is not a property.


Inviting her on a date is a good idea. If she is uninterested, you must accept this and continue.


If she's taken aback, simply follow her solid dating advice. Discover who she is, what she values, and what she seeks. Listen. Take care not to transfer your aspirations to her responses to inquiries. Keep an eye out for "signs." Interpretation is strictly prohibited. Avoid too much thought. Simply listen to what is said and accept it. If she is fascinated, she will make her feelings known on the second or third date, if you make it that far.

As a result, should you inform your neighbor of your feelings for her? Certainly not! Unless you're already well-established in the dating scene, in which case you're the only one who can evaluate whether this is the best course of action. Given that you're enquiring about random online strangers rather than her, I suppose it's not at that level). As a result, NO, NO, and NO 1,000 times!!!

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2 years ago


Yeah, its better not to take actions if a guy is not yet ready for the circumstances. A girl may shut off her suitor but we sometimes couldn't be help but to get attached to them and where wishing at the back of our head for them to stay until we were ready to be in a relationship.

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2 years ago