Booster shots

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2 years ago

This is a common misunderstanding.

There are a number of factors to consider, including your age, health condition (especially anything that makes you immunocompromised), and the type of work you do, all of which might increase your risk of contracting the virus. You should also tell us which vaccines you've had and how long ago (> 6 months).

In addition to third and "booster" shots, there is a distinction between the two. People with compromised immune systems can receive a Pfizer "booster" injection, and a follow-up shot can be given four weeks after the first, according to the FDA and CDC. It may require three shots, four weeks apart, to build up a strong enough immune system. As of today, Pfizer's "third shots" and "boosters" are equal in terms of efficacy. After receiving an email from my local CVS and Walgreen's pharmacies inquiring about my health, I decided to have a Moderna "third injection" due to the fact that I am 70 years old, have an unresectable cancer, and have had the vaccine 7 months before this. In contrast to Pfizer, Moderna's "booster" may not wane as quickly because its normal dose is three times stronger than Pfizer's. In hindsight, I wish that I had waited to take my third Moderna shot, which may have "enhanced" three people.


"Vaccine elitism" or "global equity" is, in my opinion, a distraction. Because vaccine hesitancy-or-refusal is so widespread in the United States, the number of vaccines that are thrown away each week has increased dramatically since they became available. To begin with, theoretically (and rationally), everyone on the planet should be immunized, but practical challenges make it difficult to provide the doses to those who need them most. Corruption, dictatorships, warring ethnic factions, rudimentary infrastructure, etc. Much like the adage "the perfect is an enemy of the excellent," "the ideal is frequently an adversary of what is feasible." Unfortunately, this is the case.


Also, the vast majority of unvaccinated Americans are not unvaccinated because of a lack of access to vaccines, but of mistrust (of government and the medical system), misinformation, disinformation, and political tribalism. Neither you nor your supporters are denying any of these people their opportunity to play

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Written by
2 years ago
