Be careful, Real education

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2 years ago

Your education does not end in School, you can have an MBA and a PHD but still be broke and miserable, fail in life as well as in trading. These are just textbook knowledge, and with that being said, you should not use these what you call "credentials" to show that you are smarter than the rest and think that you are well above others.

Real education comes from your constant curiosity to the world, and being able to adapt to different sources of information, it could be through experiences in things that most people would not dare to look and try, if you limit yourself to your credentials, your school, then you will not grow, your knowledge will be limited and that's not being smart.

If you can see it, most successful people in the world does not have a degree, or their degree has nothing to do with their success, but indeed they are living a very successful life, because they have figured out what they want, and they did figure out things early,

it's all about your passion and committed dedication that will bring you to that next level. Stop limiting yourself to basic knowledge and add more wisdom to yourself, always look for answers. because there are unlimited sources and opportunities waiting for you.

"Be curious and breakaway folks"

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Written by
2 years ago
