Village Life VS City Life

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Avatar for Aishaa
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Life

People living in a village do not remain busy whole the year. It is during sowing and harvesting the crops. Both village & city life have much Difference. Village life is amazing & glorious Many people live in the villages. People enjoy the freshwater, a beautiful atmosphere, a lovely environment, admirable Nature and many attractive places. They always look fresh they believe in natural sources rather than depending on the artificiality. I have no idea about the village's life, but I have heard some of my friends that live in the Villages and They share their experience with me. They say that village is a massive source of the fresh atmosphere.

In the villages, People are so simple,decent,affable,companionable,appreciable,nice, gentle,innocent & religious minded.Like simple life and simplicity. There many people get up early in the morning after performing prayer they go to their beautiful fields and some of them like playing different types of games. They as well as their women work together. Their women don't feel shy about doing that kind of activities & their women don't apply any kind of cosmetics on their faces. Their women also live and commonly spend their lives. Their women Cook different types of lovely food. They don't eat fast-food They use very simple items at their homes. Their lives are so simple. But in the villages they face many problems such as in the villages there are no educational & medical sectors they don't get many opportunities. Many girls die during their Pragrancy because they can't afford the medical facilities there.

Many children work in the field at an early ages. They can't go to school they don't get proper Education and never learn new things they face a lot of problems at an early age. Many children want to get an education but they couldn't find any true place of learning and Improving themselves they become depending on their fate. Few children change their lives but many work in their field of work in brick industries or such kind of odd jobs. Many villagers tries to do that but they can't afford to send their children to the cities for getting an education. We should try to understand that feeling and should attempt to give them a specific facility so that their children change their lives.

In cities lives, We get many opportunities to improve ourselves we have everything according to the modern world. We live here very smoothly and delightfully we can get proper education and many sectors are working here for the development of nation if a person is not interested in education or he is very weak in learning he can get a lot of opportunities in many others places where he can improve his skill. He can run his life very peacefully because of those opportunities. But there are many disadvantages to city life too. Here we face a lot of population of lots of pollution. Our eyes sight become very weak at an early age because of Continuously using mobile, laptop or computer. We never enjoy a beautiful atmosphere and lovely things like villager ppl do. We have become a prisoner at our home and stay there at all the time we don't like to build our health because of pollution we sometimes face a lot of pitiful diseases and harm our lives completely. Though there are many medical centres yet we have become ill. We should be independent and change our thinking and use our mind to see things. We should try to take fresh things and take care of health always life is a gift we should not waste it to become a prisoner, but Now we better know we have been facing a brutal plague it has killed a lot of ppl all over the World. And the situation is getting worse day by day. This is a kind of disaster, but we should always follow the rules and regulations given by our Govt. because a good patriot never hurt others and he always tries to prove a good person for his society and in this way he proves their nation. Be a good patriot and always try to help yourself as well as your family. Stay safe and save a life.

Here I would like to add something that those ppl who are living in bondage they are living in extreme poverty or they have been facing something crucial they never stay at home because of their innocent children because of their adversity because of their severe pain that harms their lives. They earn a specific amount of money and just try to put some food on their children bellies they don't afraid whether there is a disease or not. They just take a deep breath every day and believe their God and move on they never stop their journey.

We should try to support that kind of heroes who face a lot of problems because of their children. We should try to help that kind of ppl as much as we can. Because if you help a needy person God will help you in many ways.

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Avatar for Aishaa
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Life
