Dealing with Insecurity

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2 years ago

Have you ever experienced these feelings?

Feeling insecure about yourself, drowning in guilt, uncomfortable with the environment, fear that keeps taking over and suddenly feel sad?

If your answer is yes, most likely that you're experiencing insecurity. But don't worry, okay! You're not alone. Many people from different backgrounds also feel this way.

Experiencing insecurity of course isn't a pleasant thing. You may experience physical exhaustion and mental illness. But this is only temporary, that doesn't mean it can't be cured.

Just remember, the world was created with all balance. Like the earth under the roof of the sky, enriched with sunlight as a light and moonlight as a tranquilizer. As well as availability of animals and plants as a source of human food. Then it rained as a blessing for the workers with heat as a counterbalance.

So are the pain, anxiety and stress of life. Only as a counterbalance to the grace obtained. So, if you're happy, you can change wounds and are temporary, as well as any problems you experience. All are temporary.

Isn't it? You must have been through a lot of tough things back there. But now it's much better, right?

And everything that happen in the past give us good lesson, right?

The most important thing right now is how we can identify the cause, so we can get the right solution for it.

When it comes to the causes, of course there will be various. One of them, which is most often found is past experiences.

Yes! As a child, we're usually very dependent on authority figures. The most influential authority figures are parents, then teachers and the environment.

As the main authority figure, parents tend to be overprotective when their children are young. Because they very love their child, many of them unconsciously choose all things. Starting from food, clothing, to preparing bags and books without giving the children a chance, to make choices and make their own decisions.

This authoritarian parenting, slowly affects the psychology of children. This has an impact on their mental development. So we are formed. Adults who aren't growing optimally because they carry the burden of the past.

These negative feelings have an impact on the current way of life. Insecure figures often don't understand what to do. In this case, the initiative is blocked. He was just living his life according to instructions.

He is also not confident and always confused in making decisions, even though the choices presented are so simple.

He also doesn't have a direction in life, dream targets, or good time management for his life.

He tends to be anxious, afraid, worry and experience low self-esteem and always needs other people as reinforcement.

Wow, there are so many problems, then how to solve it?

What we must understand is that we will always need and be ordered by others, but still in appropriate and reasonable doses.

The following are tips for raising self-awareness and minimizing feelings of dependence :

  1. Be a friend to yourself. Accept all negative feelings and come to terms with reality. That you really have a problem and need to change these less positive habits.

  2. Stay away from toxic people who will only complicate your life

  3. Start deciding from the simple things in life. Starting from the food you choose or the clothes you wear.

  4. Try to build self-confidence by taking a break for yourself. Stay away from those closest to you when you want to make a decision. Don't ask about the final decision. Rely on yourself in this.

  5. Learn to be responsible for the decisions we have made. And what you need to remember, everything needs a process, and try to enjoy it.

Congratulations on upgrading yourself!🙈 I believe you can.

Good luck!

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2 years ago


I always feel insecure. There's always something to be insecure about lol!

Great helpful tips you got :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But u r right.. Sometimes we keep feel insecure for something😂 Thank u!🙈 hope this article can help🙈

$ 0.00
2 years ago