What is the Price?

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2 years ago

I have always been one to ask questions with WHY, I believe that questions that have the three letter words truly satisfies one’s curiosity when properly answered. While some of the WHYs I ask are said out loud to people, there has been some I have asked myself and spent time pondering all by myself.

Today, I am thinking out loud about one of the WHYs I have asked myself. WHY IS THERE A PRICE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING? This is a question I have thought about on my own, and I don’t think I have ever indulged anyone. So, I have decided to write about it and indulge users of this platform. Therefore, I’ll very much appreciate if you air your view in the comment section, let’s interact.

Let me cite an example with something we all are familiar with, BITCOIN CASH. There is a price attached to our beloved cryptocurrency and we all know if we want to purchase it, it would cost us money depending on amount we want to buy.

Screenshot From Trustwallet

One could argue that the delicate balance  planet earth is paying the price for the action of its inhabitants. Carbon emissions by humans has resulted to global warming, thus, affecting the weather and climate that plays an important part in the cycle of life on earth.

While a lot of things have monetary value/price, I am purposefully writing about the things we don’t necessary pay for with money. And this is where I need your indulgence the most.


It is no coincidence I started with this, because I hold family in the highest esteem. As I am an avid believer of FAMILY ABOVE ALL. That is not to say family are only those related to you by blood. No, it isn’t true. While you don’t choose family related to you by blood, you can choose family not related to you by blood, and these are your FRIENDS.

What is the price we pay for family? Is it the unconditional love that can sometimes be too much of a burden to bear or the is the weakness or genetically transmitted susceptibility to certain health conditions such as asthma, sickle cell, hypertension, among others. Is it much more than that? Or would you say there is no price we pay for family?


I speak specifically of romantic love. The kind of love that configures your happiness to be based on someone else’s, is that the price we pay? The dependency of our happiness on someone else. Or is it the 'blindness' to their faults and shortcomings? Or living in the illusion that there exists perfection and this person we are in love with is a perfect example — the seeming loss of all our sensibilities. Or is our freedom the price we pay for love?


Of course being alive is the what comes first before any other thing, but I saved it for last because I felt it will make a better ending than the other topics. One has to be alive first to have a family and also love someone else. What is the price we pay for life. For existing in the world. One of the characteristics of living things according to basic biology is DEATH. Do we die because we have life? Is death the ultimate price of existence or there is some other price we pay for life? Is death is merely a point in the cycle of life for all living creature and nothing more than a characteristic?


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Written by
2 years ago


Price for love; Although it is true that money cannot buy love, I strongly disagree with the sentiment that love for another human being does not have a price. When we are truly in love with someone, we are willing to pay for that love with much more than silver and gold. Love is not a commodity to be bought, sold and traded, but it is a precious energy that costs us our life force. A person in love is willing to go to any lengths to ensure that his/her loved one is safe, happy and content.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You give a valid and intelligent view, so is it safe to say that the price we pay is our freedom? Becoming a slave to love and doing everything and anything for it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe everything has a price, sometimes that price can even be time; yes we pay with time especially when it comes to relationships, you have to spend time with your loved ones to strengthen the bond between you two (emphasis on the word spend).

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Another wonderful view. Time is precious and it is one of the few things we can never get back once it is lost.

$ 0.00
2 years ago