Introduction to the World of Bitcoin Cash

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Avatar for Aimure
Written by
2 years ago

Curiosity lead to questions and questions gave birth to answers, I have always been a curious person, and never have I believed curiosity killed the cat, au contraire, curiosity made the cat wiser.

I haven't seen my brother @Gaiom for most of this year, since he schools in another state and he's always away when school is in session.

Just last Saturday, I saw my brother for the first time after 4 months he's been away. We talked about things and I asked him why he hasn't been so active on social media platforms and he had said he barely had the time.

Then I observed he's always busy with his phone and became curious about what he is doing if not social media. He replied "social media that isn't a waste of time".I asked "which social media could be so interesting that you spend so much time on?" He replied"Read Cash".

And like a child, I started asking questions, and like a child that asks questions, I learned. That was how I got to know about this platform, and have been asking lots of questions about what it entails and all the information I could get from him. Although,he had said he isn't exactly knowledgeable about EVERYTHING, as he is barely 2 months old on the platform he gave me pointers and names of users who are more knowledgeable and could fill me in on other things I am not clear about.

@Kushyzee he had said introduced him to the platform couple of months back, and it has been a'citadel of learning' for him ever since, as he has come to see the world through other people's experience and insights.

Myself, I hope to experience all these amazing stories, and more importantly, learn more about life, culture and crypto as I am quite new to it, and don't know much about it. Well, in my defense, that isn't entirely my fault as my initial interest was nipped in the bud by my government when they banned crypto currency in the country.

But the internet is there for me to know more and now I have the means to do that. Since I got a new phone about a month ago.

Since I have someone who already has some experience here,he had filled me in on some of the competition going on on the platform, such as the FPL competition co-sponsored by Club1BCH and @Empress. I hope I can still join the competition since I play.

I am also abreast of the Christmas events ongoing but I think I'll sit those ones out and take my time and familiarize myself with everything here. But should a new one come up, I will definitely jump on it.

Since this is the first time I have heard of the platform, I had asked if this is popular among Nigerians in particula, and he had mentioned some big names who are Nigerians and I was shocked to learn about the likes of , @Princessbusayo , @Fexonice1 , @Valour , @Giddyboy, @Olasquare @King_Gozie , @Jehoshaphat among others. These are my fellow countrymen who has done well on the platfor, and I hope to follow in their footsteps, and I believe with hardwork and commitment, It can only get better and better.

As time goes, I am sure I will familiarize myself more with other users and interact with people from around the globe and see the world through their eyes. I have been particularly fascinated and interested in other culture and knowledge. And to do all these through writing and reading and interacting with other users, it couldn't be any better than this.

I am happy to be here. And I hope I am welcomed graciously with open arms and the warmth that would make the cold of this morning bearable 😄😄.

$ 2.88
$ 2.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Olasquare
$ 0.13 from @Gaiom
+ 7
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Avatar for Aimure
Written by
2 years ago



$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome to Read Aimure and it's great that you are naturally inclined to learning :) I believe you will have fun in this platform especially that you already know people here :) All the best!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you FarmGirl. I appreciate the warm welcome. But I hope you'll be happy to show me around?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I saw Aimure as the username, I thought gaiom has opened another account 😆 but it turns out it's his brother. Welcome to the platform bro, I am guessing your brother already told you how things work around here but the bottom line is that you should interact a lot with other users, and your stay here will be worthwhile 😉 have fun exploring readcash

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha. thank you for the warm welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago