Birthday Shenanigans

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Written by
2 years ago

Beautiful people, the day had started with me in bed, unwilling to Stand up from the bed and do anything. Was going through WhatsApp and saw that today’s date is a special one thin 22/02/2022 or 22/2/22. Either way, I was forced to stand up, as we had to do a facility tour with a couple of staffs in the institute, what better way to start the training eh.

Overall, it was an educative one, as I got to see some facilities I have only heard of before, some fish species I had not seen before, and also a crocodile eating a fish for the first time. This is just day one, I am keeping an open mind and fingers crossed for more new experiences before the end of my duration here.

Also, I remembered it will be my birthday next Tuesday, March 1st. I’ll be a year older, not younger, older. It’s funny, because it feels like just last week, I was 16years older. Time moves quite fast. And even though you’ve seen it count to the last second, your mind is tricked to thinking it hasn’t been moving at all.

It would be a milestone for me, as I’ll be 25 years in a week’s time. Quarter a century. Two and a half decade. I didn’t just become who I am overnight, there has been a gradual formation of the person I am right now, personal experiences, people’s experiences, own mistakes, other’s mistakes; I have learnt from all these, slowly, but surely.

Weird thing is, in all my 25 years, for as long as I can remember (this stretches back to 17 years at least) I have never celebrated a birthday. At least not elaborately, I remember last year was the closest thing I have had to a birthday party because my friends had come together to celebrate in me in the way they could. I must say that there was something particularly nice about it and I hold that memory quite fondly.

I have always had an aversion to celebrating birthdays. I think the thing is: because I haven’t had any celebrations practically all my life, my mind has come to place and accept a logical reason it shouldn’t be celebrated in the first place: WE ARE GETTING OLDER AND CLOSER TO THE END. ‘the end’ here is basically the end of every thing good. My mind had come to accept this, perhaps, as a reason why birthday shouldn’t be celebrated. It is a sort of coping mechanisms. On the bright side, it made me not feel any desperation to do what I should have.

That’s two coping mechanisms I have devised with respect to celebrating birthdays. Firstly, why birthdays shouldn’t be celebrated, and secondly, why to think the first has its bright side.

Despite knowing and saying all these, I have no intention of doing any celebrations come next week, and even if I wanted to, I am not in the financial position to fund one. So, like many other birthdays before it, it is going to be just another day. I expect to wake up in the morning, have some breakfast, and be busy during the day with my field training.

Perhaps, the future holds a surprise, I really don’t know and can’t say. And I often try to have little or no expectations so I do not end up feeling disappointed.

In conclusion, I was supposed to post this article earlier, but I had not completed it yet, as I was feeling quite tired and sleepy, so I decided to rest my head a little and wake up later to complete what I had started. And these are mere rambles of a young adult who feels he’s getting older faster than he anticipated. I must appreciate you for your time in reading.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Happy birthday in advance. I've also not really celebrated my birthday but I'm not against having a celebration once I'm able to afford it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very true. If you can, I suppose you should

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, you'll be 25 on the March First, advance Happy Birthday. I'll just greet you again on that day 🥂🥂. But anyways, my birthday is just a really normal one. I buy pizza and ice cream together with Moms I will eat it and that's it 🥳.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for the birthday wish Ruffa. Perhaps I should do that too on that day eh?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can sure, why not go for it? 🥳

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is supposed to be a day in class for me. But let's see if I can do that in the evening, when free

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It seems we have similar views on birthdays. I am not really a fan of birthdays. I see it as –1 rather than +1. Closer to your end. It's not also to be sad about though, just indifferent and work towards making the end worth it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehe. You see right though. The end is what matters

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed my dear, time really flies so fast, as we keeps on getting older and older 😅. Even I, I can't even imagine that now I'm already at my 30's and soon I'll be 40, i already started to wonder if how long I can stay in this world 😅. But anyway we should always be grateful with our lives and time must not be wasted as we don't know what will happen to us tomorrow, so enjoy each day like it's our last, anyway advance happy birthday 😊.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You've aged like a fine wine, and I would have taken you to be in your late 20s. And you are right about enjoying every time we have, tomorrow isn't promised. Thank you very much for the early birthday wish 💚💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Time flies so fast friend. Advance Happy Birthday my friend! ❤️🥰🎉 More blessings to come. More years and always in good health my friend. 🙏

I'm really scared with the crocodiles my friend. I remember the movies I watch.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you so much Ramona ❤️. And as for the crocodiles, we were watching the show from quiet a distance for safety reasons. They are dangerous

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're always welcome Aimure. ❤️ I want to see them in real.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe you can go to a park or something to see them. It is only the second time I am seeing one myself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't know here in the city Aimure. 🥺 I will ask about it. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No worries Ramona, take care 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you Aimure. 🥰❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago