Wishing to have twins in the future.

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

As a woman, have you ever dream for a twin babies? I mean, did you imagine yourself having a baby? Cause, I am wishing and praying to have twins in the future.


I am not fond with children, I mean, I am not good in taking care of children or a baby. I don't even know how to take care of a bay. I already have niece and nephews but I never had a chance to take care of them before when they're still a baby. Sometimes, I got irritated with baby's cry. Especially when the baby cries a lot. It likes giving me a headache. One time my niece cried at dawn, I think 3 am in the morning, she'll cry on that time. I can't go back to sleep every time that I will be wake at dawn so early in the morning I already have headache. My mom told me before, since I am not fond with children, she said that I will have many children when I get married. I told her that I don't believe such thing cause what's the use of family planning, right? My mom also told me that I should know how to take care of a baby cause what if I'll get married then I don't know how, my future husband surely will get mad at me. But then I told her, that being a mom will be learned maybe. She just laugh at me and she'll look forward when I have my own child, like what is she talking about? Does she like me to have my own family now?

Why did I like to have twins? It is because I think that would be cool. Lol, it might be the effect of watching drama and reading wattpad. I like to have twins so that the hardship in pregnancy journey will be one time only,lol. Joke! What I mean is that, I just like to have twins. It might be so cool and especially if the twin is boy and girl. Waahh, that would be great.

I know it's not easy to be pregnant, especially in whole journey of pregnancy. There are lots of changes that a mother will experience. I am willing to embrace those changes just to have a baby. I might not know yet how to take care of a baby, but I know someday I will be a good mother. I also know that taking care of a baby is not easy. I already saw my sister how she managed her time with her baby. I just hope that if that time comes that I became a mother, someone will be there for me willing to help and support me. I can't say that I will be a perfect mom but for sure I will do my best.


I am dreaming to be a mom. Dreaming how will I go to the Ob-gyne clinic to have monthly check-ups and all. Also, dreaming to buy vitamins and milk for me and my babies needs. I am also dreaming that when baby comes, I will buy his/her needs like baby clothes, diapers, vitamins and all he/she needs. I will see to it that I will give my everything to them as their mom.


Of course, if I want to have twin babies, I also wish to have a good and responsible husband and father to my child. I know that it is still a long journey for us with my boyfriend. But I can see him a good father to our future children, lol. It is because he had lits of plans for us. I mean, yeah, I know we're like fool dreaming for the future but I think it's not bad, right? In fact, it's good to plan our future so that we know what to do. We just hope that our plan today will be our tomorrow. My wish is to have a simple family someday. I don't need fancy and luxurious living, what's important is that we can eat thrice a day and can have savings for our children's future. I want to secure my children's future so that they will not have to experience hardships that I and my boyfriend had been through. I am nor saying that my parents are irresponsible because we're having bad times cause we're poor, what I mean is that I want to do things I can just to make my future children in good situation.


Building a family is for sure not easy but I will be strong fo my own family in the future. Well, I hope and I wish to have a twins someday so that "isang bagsakan lang." Lol. Hahahah

Cover photo from Unsplash.


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3 years ago


I also dream of having a twin kids. But I already have two and I thinks it's enough.

Keep the spirits in writing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you sir. Hihihi. I see you're really are a good dad. Doing your responsibility for your children. You even do extra work for them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Having twin babies are blessings. I hope your wish comes true. I have an idea, There is a saying in our area that if you want to have twin babies, you should eat twin fruits. Like a banana sticking together. ahahaha that's just a saying.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha I think it's not true hahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope your dream of having twins will come. I think every woman would dream to have a child of their own. Babies are heavens' blessing but I think it's not for everyone. Some women are not blessed to bear children. I also dream to have one of my own someday, I'm over the moon for it. I have suspected PCOS so I'm not expecting much. I already prepared myself for it. If God will grant your wish, I'll be happy and pray for the health of your baby.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. I hope and I pray that you will be able to be a mother too someday. Only God knows the future holds so let us believe in Him. God bless you ☺️

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3 years ago