The Struggle of Unemployed Licensed Teacher

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

Just want to share what I feel for being unemployed despite having a degree. The frustration I felt when I heard someone talking about me for having no work and just staying at home.

I graduated last May 2019 and took my board exam last September 2019. I passed the exam take one. I took for NC2 last year preparing for the RQA for teachers and even took the English Proficiency Test. I was so ready for the ranking last year but sad to say that our ranking was suspended. And that we, new applicants, will wait for the resume of the ranking. They will only accept those applicants who were under the Do.7 the year 2018-2019 who had not yet hired to retain their points. It was suspended due to a pandemic. It was a hassle.

When I heard about the suspension, I am ready to find work. I was about to go to Manila but my father did not let me cause he knew from the news that there were lots of positive Covid-19 patients there. He was afraid I might get the virus and be sick. I told him that I will go to Cebu but still, he doesn't want me to go. He said that I can go find work if the world's back to normal. I can't do anything because I don't want my father to get mad and I don't like them to worry about me. So I decided to stay at home and find work online. I can't apply for a call center because the signal and the internet are not stable. Days and months passed I wasn't able to find work. So, I looked for platforms that will allow me to earn.

I downloaded the 2captcha app and did the data entry. I am earning bitcoin but I cannot earn at least $1 a day but continue doing it because I don't have a choice. When things get worst, I look for other platforms that surely pay. I even tried bling apps. I did earn to those apps but not enough.

While I am at home, my neighborhood went to our house and asked me why I don't have work yet. They compare me to those graduates who already worked in Deped. I told them about the ranking but they don't understand so I just kept my mouth shut and let them talked and talked. I want to defend myself but I chose not to. I will not waste my time on them just to make myself good in front of them. They already judged me, I will not tell my plans rather I will show them to them in the future.

To those people who easily judge an unemployed person though he/she has a degree, please be sensitive enough. You don't know what they're feeling now.

I have a friend, she's also a licensed teacher. She'd been applying for a position in a public, yet she hasn't been hired until now because she did not belong to Do.7, her points were below 65. She graduated last 2016. I knew how frustrated she was. She even applied to a private school to gain experience but the salary was not enough for their needs so she decides to quit. So, she planned to work as a call center but the neighbors told her that it doesn't suit her because she's a teacher. People love to criticize others. I told her that whatever she thinks right and will help her family, she should follow her heart and just don't mind other people. It's okay to felt disappointed and frustrated with what they were saying but in the end, it is you who will suffer if you believed in them. Now she is already working in a company. She's a call center agent now for 2 yrs. That's why I want to go where she is working but my father won't let me go.

It is not easy to be part of Deped as their teachers. There are lots of things you need to acquire to complete the requirements. What I want to say is, people should be more sensitive enough about what they were saying. Nowadays, it's not new to us that some of the hired employees done some under the table to be hired. I am not telling that all but some. For me, I don't want to be hired because I bribed or I was close to someone who's inside. I want to be hired because my credentials were excellent and passed.

For now, I will just wait for my timeline to come. As I also want to teach online, I can't because I don't have a computer or laptop and also the internet is not stable.

How I wish and pray that everything will go back to normal so that I can find work for my family.

I am just so thankful that I found this sit which I am earning though I am just at home. Hopefully, I can earn more for more savings.

$ 6.04
$ 5.89 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @immaryandmerry
$ 0.05 from @heartbeat1515
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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago


I can feel the frustration. I've got friends and relatives who are also licensed teachers but having a really hard time to be part of the Deped teachers.

So your bio says you will reach your dreams someday. Let's claim it! I know you will. Maybe it's just not the right time yet.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much. Yes, I felt like I am drowning cause of this frustration but I know someday I will make it. Maybe not now but soon. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, soon po! Let's keep praying on that one.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the upvote @immaryandmerry 🥰 I appreciate it so much po.

$ 0.00
3 years ago