The kinds of students I encountered during my practicum.

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3 years ago

Some of us here were students before and some are still students. We already knew what kind of students we are inside the classroom.

During my student teaching, I able to know students which gave me the lesson in life thought I already knew some characters of a student, still I have lots of characters of them to know.

These are the kinds of students in my classroom before.


They're the students who have lots of energy from morning till afternoon. You can see them so active and loves to mingle with his or her classmates. They're attitude of being so active will help you active too.

Joker of the class

The type of students who loves to make his classmates laugh. But sometimes they're irritating coz some of their jokes were below the belt that is why you need to guide them and teach them which and when to have jokes. And teach them what joke is not offensive and teach them know their limits.

Shy from day 1 until now.

They're the one who almost don't like to talk. They can't even see you in the eyes. When you call them, either they won't stand or if they're going to stand, they'll look under their table. You need to get their attention and show an encouragement smile for them to let ho of their selves.

Talkative much

This kind of students were totally irritating especially if they don't know their limitations. Some of them talk even if you're talking in front. They also loves to ask questions which is non-snes but all you have to do is to understand them and give still an answer in a good way. Some of them knows how to respect but some of them don't. They loves to talk even if you're in front.

Lazy in passing assignments

This kind of students don't be like to pass their assignment. They will tell you that they're not able to do their assignment at home. As a teacher, you will understand once but never the second, third and fourth. Students should know to answer their assignment.

No paper

This kind of student always asked from his/her classmates a especially during quizzes. I can say that I was like that before coz I don't able to buy one. That is my doing when I was in college but when I was in high school and elementary, I always makes sure that I have paper. I understand this kind of students cause not all can afford to buy. That is why when I did the practicum, I am giving my students paper everytime I give a quiz.

The smart one

These kinds of students always makes me challenge. Coz they can easily understand what's I am teaching in front that is why I always see to it give a much higher exercise for him. He always gives answer to his classmates that is why I always let him sit on the teacher's chair and do his quiz in the table.

The weak one

Not all students are smart and can easily gets what you're been talking in front that is why you need to elaborate more. This kind of students always test my patience. I can say that handling these kinds of students sometimes makes me irritated cause they're not excellent in the class but they're very active when it comes to relationship. Like what?But then ,as a teacher, J don't need to spill offended words, instead I will explain to them how important is them for study and that having a relationship during class is not bad as long as he/she knows his responsibility as a student.

The deaf

This kind of students sometimes is funny yet irritating. When I am hiving a quiz and tell them to get a one fourth sheet of paper, they will asked me again. So, I will laugh sometimes and tell them yes. Some students tends to repeat my words everytime I have something to ask during recitation or in giving quiz.

The kdrama addict

This kinds of students loves to talk about kdramas and the series they've been watching. And they talked about their bias. Sometimes, some of them can't answer if I asked them questions. Maybe because they're lack of time for studying their notes. That is why I always telling them it's okay to watch kdramas as long as they will also give time to study. It's good for releasing stress that you watch your favorite series but the. Always remember that study is the first priority.

Closing thoughts

Students are in need when we talk about their needs in the school. They really rely on the teacher for them to understand situation. I can say that being a teacher is not easy cause it will test your patience and your will to teach.

As a teacher, we should be more open-minded and open up our hearts to them. Understand every behavior and of what's behind those behavior they're been showing. It may hard for us but if we knew the weakness of our students we can easily fix things for them, physically or emotionally.

I still have many kinds of students to write but then my eyes is getting close because I am too sleepy. So, you can add up in the comment section those kind of students that I didn't able to write.

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3 years ago


Every individual have their own differences regarding the personalities and characteristics. Love ourselves and do our best to be productive. More articles ma'am and God Bless.πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right. That's what matter most. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

K drama Addict yan halos araw araw ganyan tinatalakay namin ng mga kaibigan ko hahaha mga kinikilig pa kami habang nag uusap 🀣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha minsan nga nakikisabay din ako eh haha. Kaya pag vacant ayun nakapalibot sakin mga studyante ko. πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm belong to the hyper, believe na believe mga kaklase ko sakin, kasi drained na sila ako may energy pa rin hahaha. Also, joker and talkativeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha maganda nga yun mare eh. Ako minsan lang hyper hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako ata yung shy sa school 🀣🀣. Di talaga ako maingay haha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha yung hindi man lang kikibo pag di naapakan ang paa? Haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ayy syempre kikibo haha. Pero di madaldal talaga

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Same hahaha. Yung bang titingin lng sa mga kaklase na madaldal haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha yes, tas nakikinig lang sa sinasabi nila 🀣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

During the pandemic my daughter had her classes online. It makes me identify what type of student she is. She's the talkative and energetic. Her teachers would sometimes mute her during Zoom sessions. Her mouth would really go rat-ta-tat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha for sure in the classroom she's so active. πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Naku, she is. Sometimes I'm in the background making hand gestures to her to stop talking. Hay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That only means sis that she's interested with the class. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

<--- Shy, quiet, and mean :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha they're lots of them. πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ako yan, sis :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahhyy haha bat may mean πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kasi ganun po talaga ako eh hehe. Sorna!

$ 0.00
3 years ago