I told her to stop.

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3 years ago

Do you have a friend who will ask for your help than at the end will not listen to your advice? Well, that surely is tiresome and made you say "Duhh, my advice were useless so why bother give her an advice next time."

I have a friend, actually she's my Aunt cause she's my mother's cousin. She is a he. She's a lesbian. She have a girlfriend since year 2012. It was okay with us because we can't force her to be straight. For me, she's a beautiful girl. A fair white skin, pointed noise and small lips. She's a beauty having small face. But then, despite of having those features, she's a lesbian. We respect her for being like that cause it's her life. Now, she have this girlfriend. Let just say my friends name is Julie and her girlfriend's name is Jane. Their in relationship since year 2012. Their relationship is full of ups and down. My Ate Julie is a daughter of a retired army so she can receive every month from the pension of Papa Ed. Now, her girlfriend which is one of our barkada always stick to her before. Especially when they were new in the relationship. We saw how Jane treated her as a partner. This is not just my opinion but lots of our friends told Ate Julie that Jane was just using her because of money. I cannot judge the person so I just observed Jane. For me she WAS okay before. I can say that she really loved ate Julie.

Five years ago, Jane went to Manila. There she worked as a saleslady, Ate Julie didn't want her to go. But then, Jane insisted and went to Manila. J knew they were jot in hood terms but still Ate Julie did for their relationship worked. Ate Julie always sent Jane money even if Jane was working. I was a little disappointed with Jane because she was like taking for granted Ate Julie. Of course, I felt pity to my Aunt. A month later since the day Jane went to Manila, we learned that Jane have someone another lesbian. And we learned that they were living in the same roof. And she blocked Ate Julie. That time Ate Julie asked our advice what to do. We adviced her to just let go of Jane. She said that she will moved on. We knew she didn't, we saw her so depressed. She got thinned. Her friends aside from me, helped her to enjoy life without Jane. After two years, Jane went home to our hometown. She then that time broke up with her other lesbian lover. We learned that the lesbian she's been with was hurting her physically yet she love that person so much. We don't understand. So, when Jane went back we told Ate Julie not to mind Jane and never talked to her again cause she will just give her heartache. But then, we learned that they were back together. Like what? We thought she will move on and never let Jane to fool her.

So, they started to be together again. Before Jane's father was against with them. But now he was a little bit fine with their relationship. They continue their relationship until now. But this New year 2021, Ate Julie went to our house asking for help with us. She want to talk with Jane. We learned that she had a fight with Jane's cousin's in law. The husband of Jane's cousin got mad with Ate Julie, I will not elaborate it here but what I learned that almost all of Jane's clan got mad with Ate Julie. They got mad because Ate Julie want to talk with Jane. There was a man who Jane was being closed during the Christmas until New year so Ate Julie want to talk to her. But Jane's clan got mad aside from his father. Only Ate Julie knew that Jane has a relationship with the man. Now, Ate Julie want to get her phone but Jane will not give it to her. So, Ate Julie went to the house and asked our help that she want to talk with Jane. As we want to help her, we can't because we might also end to have fight with the clan so I talked to her that she should not talk to Jane that moment because the clan was mad at her. I told her that she should let the fire gone and she should talk with Jane not drunk. Cause Ate Julie that time was drunk.

I adviced her to stay away with Jane cause she's not good for her. Jane always gave her stressed. If I was Ate Julie, I will focused on taking care of her father who is sick now. Papa Ed was now in a wheelchair due to stroke. But then Ate Julie is wasting her time with Jane and also her money.

I don't know what had happened to them now but I knew they broke up because of the guy. But last February, I saw Ate Julie and Jane posted on their Facebook account that they're together again. Haaayy, so marupok di ba? So, I decided that if ever Ate Julie will ask again an advice, I will just shut my mouth and will not say anything else cause it will be useless.

If you have a kind of friend like her? Will you still give advice?

Cover image from Unsplash


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3 years ago


I do have a friend like that and you know what I did? I turned cold to her because it feels like my advices to her were useless .

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3 years ago

Murag ako te no? 😔 Magsige ug share na gikapoy ug uban pang mga kasakit sa kinabuhi pero cge laman diay gihapon 😁 atang guilty man ko gamay te da hehe

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3 years ago