How they treat me as their FRIEND.

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago
Topics: Story, Friendship, Choice

How will you know if your friends treat you as their friend? How will you accept their attitudes? How will you cope up with the differences you have as friends?

I am Amaya. I have three friends, their names are Angelie, Nadeth, and Jelai. For me, they are my friends. I can't say that they're perfect friends but for me, they are my friends.

"Amaya, hoy Aya! Can you take a picture of us? " Nadeth asked me to take a picture of them. I smile at her and get the phone. I took a picture of them.

"Done! Wait, I take a picture of us." I told them.

"No, Aya! Let's take a picture with you next time. For now, take a picture of us, just us." Nadeth said. I smile but deep inside I am not, I was hurt a little. I continue taking pictures of them without me.

After the picture-taking, we continue walking. I walked beside them but Jelai said something.

"Aya, can you just walk behind us? "

"Why, Je?" I am wondering why.

"Nothing, just walk behind us. We can't walk properly on this sidewalk if we walk all together here." She said, I look at the sidewalk we're walking and I saw that it's still wide for us.

"Aahh, O-okay!" I smile at them and walk behind them like I don't belong to the group.


The next day, I saw them in the plaza, they're talking I walked towards them.

"I am excited. I had ready my outfit." I heard Jelai said to Angelie. I didn't saw Nadeth.

"What are you talking guys? What about the outfit?" I asked them.

"It's nothing Aya. It just that we're excited for the laters birthday party of Nadeth at their resort. We're so excited. Right, Jelai?" Angelie said.

"I'll come with you. " I smile at them and I felt excited too.

"As I remember, Tita Anna gave you a task, right? And you know, only those who have an invitation can go to the party. Did Nadeth give you an invitation?

" No, she didn't give me an invitation." I responded and I started to wonder why I haven't received an invitation from Nadeth.

"It's okay Aya, you better stay home. Anyway, your Mom gave you something to do right?" Angeline said.

"Yeah, your right." I responded. I am free later, I don't have anything to do. But since I wasn't given an invitation, they're right that I should not come for them to enjoy. To enjoy without me.

"Aya? Can I have a favor. Can you buy as snacks at the canteen? It's so hot to go there. I didn't able to bring my umbrella. And there are lots of students there." Jelai asked me.

"Okay, I will go there anyway, I also need to buy a pen." I said.

"Aya, before you go. Can you lend us your assignment. I didn't able to answer it last night." It was Angelie.

"Me too Aya. And don't forget to buy as food. We will just pay you when you came back." Jelai said and grab my assignment notebook.

"Okay, I'll just go to the canteen." I immediately turn away from them.

I felt my tears falling down. I felt the pang of pain in my chest. I am hurt of how they treat me. It's like I am there maid or whatsoever. They're just concern when they need something from me. It just so painful that you treat them as your friend but they didn't treat you as their friend. Still, they are my friends. I love them that's why it hurts. I will endure their treatment to me because they're my friends. But sometimes, I felt like I want to stay away from them cause I am hurting this much. I am hurting for the things they showed me. It's like I don't belong to them. It so painful that your friend treat you the opposite way of yours. I love them despite the way HOW THEY TREAT ME AS A FRIEND, well, am I really their friend? I wonder.



If you're Amaya, will you stay as their friend? Or is she really a friend to them?

As for me, SHE was not a friend to them. They just used her as their slave. A slave who can they easily command with things they wanted. They just used her just like how they asked her to copy her assignment.

If I were Amaya, I will not be friend with them. You can easily tell if a person is a real friend or not. I have now more friends, and to tell you honestly, I have friends who's there for me when I am happy and sad. And I have a friend who's there when they need me, those friends are toxic. I am now staying away from them little by little. Because they only remember me when they need me, but when I need them, they can't be seen.

I prefer to be alone and don't have friends than to be with people like Angelie, Jelai and Nadeth. I will never let myself low because I want to please people I thought my friends.

If you want to be loved by your friends, love yourself first. If your circle show you that you are just an option, you are free to leave. And find someone, a friend that will accept you for who you are. A friend that will cherish you and love you. A friend that will give you happiness and the feeling of belongingness. It's your choice, to stay with people who make you sad or to find other who would let you feel your not an option.

"A true friend is hard to find, they are rare and one of a kind. I don't care if I had only few, at least I have one true friend that I can tell true."

Cover photo I got from Unsplash

$ 9.16
$ 9.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Zhyne06
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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago
Topics: Story, Friendship, Choice


Yes, as much as possible, stay away from that kind of people. They will not give you peace of mind. You can find true people that will love you for who you are. People that will not use you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Opo. Mas prefer ko nga po ang mag isa kesa magkaroon ng kasama na kagaya nila. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tama. Self love muna kumbaga. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aweee I'm so sorry you had to feel that way. I am just so thankful and blessed to have real friends. I hope you will find your circles too. :) I can be your friend if you want to. :)

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Hihihi it's just a story ☺️ I have friends, real friends. I am not wasting my time with people who'll just use me ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wait, so you say that it was just a story? I mean, it's not real?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes it's not. Am well not really actually, it's based with my friends story though not really like as hers. I just get some info from her own experience. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's nice to hear. It's traumatizing to have tha tkind of friendship tho.

$ 0.00
3 years ago