Hey self, wake up!

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Avatar for Aiah_05
2 years ago

I am having a war against my inner self as I noticed being unproductive and unmotivated despite the fact that I really need to work not only for me but for my family. I wanna slap my self for me to wake up and focus to things. How I wish, I will have my self back same as before.

August 12, 2021

(This article should be published last night but because I can't upload image, I decided to just published it this morning.)

Here I am, trying my best to go back to the right track where I can be as active like before and having the motivation to write. If you're one of my co-writer who read my articles, you can noticed that I am not as active as before. I am out for days, or even weeks in noise.cash and even in read.cash, and the reason? Having a slow internet, logging phone and unmotivated self.

Before, I am so active in noise.cash and read.cash, I able to read 10 articles per day or even more and would leave comments also and upvotes. And in noise.cash, I am active there with some users who are noisy too. I able to earn $2-$3 a day in noise.cash and here in read.cash was $5-$10 per article. It's a big help for me and my family. I even said to myself to work more and grind more. But then here I am, being so lazy and nothing to write.

Though I am not writing an article, I sometimes read articles and leave comments especially if I like the article I am reading. But when I am about to write an article, my mind is blank and no matter what I type, I always ended deleting the words and will just watch movie without minding if I had write or not.

This past month, I wasn't able to give much to my parents as I don't have enough earnings like before and my savings were already used. I don't know what happened to myself why I am unmotivated to work. But this past days, I tried my best to read some articles, and I read some about their earnings and savings. And of how they able to have savings for staying and working more in the platforms. It made me realize of things that I need to wake my self up to experience what they were experiencing now.

I think of things what I want to achieve the day that I joined noise.cash and read.cash. I think of those plans and ended myself regretting. Regrets that I didn't grind more and stay being lazy. How I hate myself for being like this.

So since I am done reading some articles that motivates me, I am now slowly waking up. Well I hope, I really am. Anyway, I will not pressure myself but I will try my to be productive each day. I will be active in noise.cash again and read.cash. Will also try to publish an article once a day or thrice a week. I think that will be better than published nothing. I will also cope up to read other users article.

Well, I do hope that my phone will run with me. Coz I noticed that my phone is logging and I hardly can't open noise.cash and read.cash even if I have a good internet access. I even looked for an app of noise.cash in playstore but some users told me its fake and some said it's legit. But I will not compromise my account so I will stick to open my account in a browser for my account to be safe. I will just pray that my phone will be fine like before.

Self wake up!

  • So, self please wake up. Your family needs you. This time of pandemic, you need to be diligent in making things and finding extra income for your family. They might not ask you something, still they need you. They're just shy to say it but they need you.

This month is almost in the half way, and I think I need to set goals like others. I will set goals like before so that I will be motivated to be active and be interactive with others. And I need to be positive with things that surrounds me.

That's all for today. I am sorry for I don't have any topic to write. Maybe tomorrow I will write some challenge that other users did. I found it interesting and funny.

So, that's all for today. I hope I able to go right on track again. Have a nice day to all.

$ 4.54
$ 2.29 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.95 from @Zhyne06
$ 0.10 from @Ruffa
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Avatar for Aiah_05
2 years ago


Okay lang naman din magrelax minsan bigyan nang time ang sarili minsan magpahinga kasi nakaka burn out din pag puro kayod talaga.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome back. It's okay and normal, been like that too that I sometimes being unmotivated but you should think that if you won't work, you can't have your goals. So, fight and keep going πŸ€—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

welcomeback! sending virtual hugs for uuu. don't feel so unmotivated hah? life is too short, let's enjoy it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hihihi salamat sis. Oo nga, babawi ako. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang tagal mo nga wala, pati sa TG di kita nakikita. Akondin naman inaabot ng katamaran. Kung di mandin pplitin ang sarili na gumalaw ee walang magagawa aguyy. Kaha galaw galaw na din bata. Fightuuuu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha opo madam. Bumabawi na po ako hihihi. Nauubusan lng minsan ng load πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo nga bangon na daming araw mo nang naghybernate hehehe gising na..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha grabe, yulog nganpala talaga ako. πŸ˜‚ Saglit, sapakin ko lang sarili ko ng kunti πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago