Appreciation for A thought from CryptoMax latest article

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

I have read the article about Sir CryptoMax response to someone who wrote an article here in about his rants on this platform. I was just a little sad with that person cause he's jealousy was so clear if you read his article. Maybe he just looked with those writers who got big tipped from Sir Marc De Mesel . If only he knew what done to lots of users especially me. I can say that those writers he mentioned who got high tips deserves it cause their writings are helpful to lots of users to understand deeper about cryptocurrency. I've been following Sir CryptoMax when I first joined this platform cause his writings have lots of information I need to understand. And I can say that his article are helpful for me even if sometimes I don't understand some of his words he's been using in his writings.

I've been in for a month. I am newbie in crypto that is why I followed those writers who write about cryptocurrency especially BCH. I am amazed how they can write articles full of information that surely helps newbie like me. And I can say that I already saved some in that month. I also used some of my earning for our daily needs. You see? It's a great help for me and my family.

Since the very first day here in, I never wrote an article about crypto because my knowledge wasn't enough and I'm afraid I might write a wrong information about it so I am just contented to read articles that tackles about cryptocurrency. If you visit my profile, you can see that my article are about my experiences, goals and dreams in life. Which I've been motivated to reach those because of this platform, My first article I wrote here was not given an upvote that same day, it took 2 days before @TheRandomRewarder visited it but still with that two days, I never quit and lost hope cause I believe that same with other users here, I will able to earn too. And that's the greatest thing I've done, that I never left because my first article haven't received in that instant. I continue to write and write. I am blessed and thankful cause every article of mine was given a tip from rusty.

I saw lots of users here who received big tips from rusty and it makes me motivated. I also read articles not about crypto but then Sir Marc De Mesel upvoted it, and it makes me happy to witness how generous he is to lots of users here. I always told myself that I can make it too, to earn like others and just need to be patience. I am always grateful with because it's the only platform I knew that gave everyone the hope to earn more than the salary of a regular worker. This is the only platform I knew that give the dream for everyone that life will be better in the future. In my one month stay in, I can say that I able to save a money that I never thought if I will not work outside of the house. I thought that I can only hold my own money if I work using my profession but then look, I am still an unemployed person yet I am earning while at home. And that's because of

I don't need to write an article about crypto cause writing about your life experiences, dreams and goals in life, I have a chance to earn. Even writing about my thoughts and feelings just like now, I know I will earn. I am so thankful with the sponsor behind this platform. I know he will not notice me cause his notification now were too much. But if ever he read this I want to say "Thank you so much and Sir Marc De Mesel for everything you did to us writers here. More power and more blessings".

I will continue to write as I am reaching my goals for my family. I know it will be hard to find work now especially that we're facing in a state pandemic that totally gave us the hindrance in moving normally outside. That's why I am much thankful that I've found cause it helps me and my family not to be hungry. I know that I should not rely on it and I need to work, but what can I do, I trusted so much and BCH, it trusted these two so much that I know, it will give me a better life in the future. That is why, I am starting now to save BCH with my earnings here in like other users. That is my goal now, to save atleast 1BCH or more.

Closing thought

So to you Sir HadEnough, if only you didn't rant in this platform and just try to be friendly, maybe you'll also enjoy your stay here. And if only you were not jealous with other users who got big tips, maybe you will also receive big tips too if you will write good article like them.

Don't drag down a platform just because you didn't receive from it the first time you joined on it. Try to have patience and be thankful despite of everything. It always takes time, just wait. Anyway, bless you for being like that. I hope you'll have a change of mind and a change of heart.

Welcome to our community, the most awesome community you will ever had. I just hope you will not leave like that. It will be your big loss. Ciao!

PS: I edited it back to my previous article's title cause I thought why should I be afraid of someone who likes to ruined someone even if I did nothing to him but to express my thoughts and feelings too, regarding this platform. I just hope you will be enlightened your heart.

$ 0.27
$ 0.20 from @CryptoMax
$ 0.05 from @dziefem
$ 0.02 from @kingofreview
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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago


Ako kinakapa ko pa si read cash ngayon at ang inspiration ko para magpatuloy dito is yung thought na "Pagka nag tiyaga ako, magiging kagaya din nila ako" pertaining to those good writers and content creators here in

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I've read that article of CryptoMax. Grabe yung HadEnough hahaha hindi bagay username e. 😆 masyadong hypocrite.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kaya nga sis. Hahaha. Kaya natawa na lang ako ehm meron talaga mga tao na ganun.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kaya ngaaa hindi talaga mawawala tskkk

$ 0.00
3 years ago