Is really WORTH to SUPPORT the BCH ?

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Avatar for Agilaxxx
3 years ago

Supporting BITCOIN CASH isn't something you do by holding only on it.

Supporting means you need to make the BITCOIN CASH to be a well known cryptocurrency to be in mass adoption or realized it in every corner of the world by keeping encouraging your family, friends, neighbor and the community or the government around your region to be well aware about it.

BITCOIN CASH already giving us a freedom to control our own money without relying in any Institute or bank so its time for us to support it to make it free from spreading its worth in the world. Lets spread the word the benefits of the BITCOIN CASH by telling what you experience on it by using of it and don't just keep that BITCOIN CASH in your digital wallet instead spread it and use it to buy every thing you want or needs. ITS ONE OF THE BEST SUPPORT FOR BITCOIN CASH is to make it circulate more around your community and region rather than keeping it in one place.

Like the fiat money that was backed by your government isn't better for us to spread the BITCOIN CASH to knock the door of our government that BITCOIN CASH is also kind of MONEY that could be circulate and help the economy of our community,region or nation to be arise. on that term we just didn't help the BITCOIN CASH to spread but also make our local government be more aware of it and think the benefits of the BITCOIN CASH can bring in there local region.

So HOLDING or having a savings of the BITCOIN CASH is not the way to support it rather its best to SPEND since the BITCOIN CASH is made to SPEND and not to COLLECT.

The VALUE of a thing or assets is depend on how others APPRECIATED it. and it sames to our BITCOIN CASH which is valued by how many appreciate the worth of it.

The more people get know the BITCOIN CASH worth on there life or a Government and Industry discover the benefits of "USING THE BITCOIN CASH" will the get more call of demand in the market which means the value it will be appreciate it.

What Is Appreciation?

Appreciation, in general terms, is an increase in the value of an asset over time. The increase can occur for a number of reasons, including increased demand or weakening supply, or as a result of changes in inflation or interest rates. This is the opposite of depreciation, which is a decrease in value over time.

The term is also used in accounting when referring to an upward adjustment of the value of an asset held on a company's accounting books. The most common adjustment on the value of an asset in accounting is usually a downward one, known as depreciation, which is typically done as the asset loses economic value through use, such as a piece of machinery being used over its useful life. While appreciation of assets in accounting is less frequent, assets such as trademarks may see an upward value revision due to increased brand recognition.


  • Appreciation, in general terms, is an increase in the value of an asset over time.

  • Capital appreciation refers to an increase in the value of financial assets such as stocks, which can occur for reasons such as improved financial performance of the company. 

  • Currency appreciation refers to the increase in the value of one currency relative to another in the foreign exchange markets.


Lets use brand recognition as an example here , any brands need a recognition to stand in the stock market which is the brand can only recognized by the consumer by having awareness on it, by doing that the product or the brand get evaluated by the consumer on how the goods or service work.

with this process the product can gain a loyalty if its the value get appreciated by the consumer which is way to be recognized by the other firm the Value of the brand or product could be recognize not only by one firm but by all firm with the same category. example when you buy a product on a Market isn't better to buy the product that the brand is already recognize and recommend by your local government or community ? That the same for our BITCOIN CASH its also need recognition by YOU and YOUR COMMUNITY to make it value evaluated high.

BITCOIN CASH need your awareness to be spread by sharing it your own experience in the community to your own region so it can be recognized by your government and gain a foothold on your local area and step up little by little to turn our REGION become the biggest supporter of the BITCOIN CASH.


  • More project for the BITCOIN CASH COMMUNITY

  • More partnership can be build

  • Availability of the BITCOIN CASH to your region

  • Bigger personality or investor will be willing to invest


$ 4.88
$ 4.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @andrianlover
$ 0.01 from @MicroReylatos
Sponsors of Agilaxxx
Avatar for Agilaxxx
3 years ago


You have the ability to explain how to introduce and make Bitcoin Cash more popular

$ 0.00
3 years ago

we all who experience it had ability to spread it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right and I support your program

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah thanks for that lets make the BCH become the most popular crypto to free us in fiat

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm a big sporter of BCH 🤩

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Really great

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago