The happenings lately

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago

April 24, 2023

Hello there everyone! We are now closer to the end of the month, and the weather is getting hotter each day, that really affects the health of all of use especially the students, and with regards with the students there are happenings here about a heat stroke of a student and some arenose bleeding due to over heat inside the classroom and as far from the parents and teachers, a new memo/letter was released that students will have half day class in the classroom and half day is only modular, I dont know if its all over the philipines but maybe it is since its summer time here in our country, we really need to take extra precautions on ourselves everyday, drink more water and avoid too much exposure to sun during 10am-3pm of the day.


Anyways letme share with you how our days went this past few days.

Last saturday we had a small despidida party at the house of my partners siblings, because this coming friday the wife of my partners brother will be returning to her work overseas(Malaysia) and for sure it will take years again before she will have her vacation.

We had a dinner party but we did not stay long because Adrielle feels so sleepy as she did not took her afternoon nap aswe help the preparation and she kept in playing around and makes her too much tiredand aak to go home early.

Then yesterday, sunday they still have some left over foods and of course pre-heat it and they came here and we enjoy the foods at the river, the kids had so much fun, they enjoy boating with my partners handmade balsa.

We spend about 5hours on the river, chatting, doing laundry, eating and swimming but above all the kids hapinessand distraction from the gadgets.

Next weekend,they plan of doing it again, I dont know if it will happened, lets just wait and see.

Howabout you, hows your life lately, and hows the weather in your areas?

$ 0.28
$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @Jane
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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago


Hello sis, sobrang init nga daw sa pinas ngayon kaya much better talaga na aware yung iba na palaging magdala ng tubig at iwasan mag stay sa tirik ng araw. Hays nagdespidida pala kayu for sure sobrang lungkot ng paalis kasi ilang taon na naman ang bibilangin bago maka uwi pero yun nga kailangan mag sacrifice lalo sa panahon ngayon.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True sis, kanina nga videocall kami ayun iyak sya

$ 0.00
1 year ago

To ride in a boat is a very enjoying activity.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True ang saya tlga

$ 0.00
1 year ago

May she have a safe travel sissy..

Anyways, sobrang init talaga ng panahon sis ano? Buti na lang din at may paminsang ulan, kahit papano naiibsan din naman yung init sa pakiramdam.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kya nga kaso nakakasama din sa pakirsmdam dahil biglang lamig

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo, ako nga sinipon ako. Aguyy

$ 0.00
1 year ago

More water sis para gumaling agad

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Grabeng init talaga sis kahit nasa bundok kami naka tira as in ang init pa rin. Parang wala yan dito sa amin about sa mga students ah.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dito sa start sa tuesday half day na lng ang pasok

$ 0.00
1 year ago