The best gift life has given me

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3 years ago

The best gift life has given aside from my life and my family is my baby.

In my early age, I grew up with empty pocket, and an empty stomach also but not everyday, our family belongs to the poorest of the poor, and thats the reality of my life, my father is a fishermen and my mother is a housewife and we are 9siblings, so when I growing up I saw my father and mother struggling for our daily needs to the extent that sometimes we need to borrow money from our neighbor inorder to buy our food for the day, and sometimes we went to my auntie just borrow money or rice, in short my life when I was kid is not good, and I never enjoy my childhood days coz at my young age Im the one who took care of my younger siblings and do so some laundry also, its unfair but its our life no one is to be blame.

So growing up I've a promised to myself that when I had my own family I will not let may kid/s suffer the same as mine, but maybe due to poverty and my family depends on me, I consume my time working I worked 16years of my life but still im not rich. But still I struggle to have a better life than before and my nephews and nieces did not experience the same amd im happy for them, since I dont have in mind of getting married coz Im working all the time i just focus on my nieces.

It was early 2018, Im about to return to taiwan for work purposes when my documents had some problem and it can be fixed as soon as possible, so it saddened me, but maybe God has better plan for me, so it was march when I discovered I was pregnant and Im a bit happy and sad because I had no plans and no savings at all, so im thinking what will happen to my baby when she comes out? Will she experienced the same thing as mine.,so I just go with the flow then it was December when she comes out, I was so afraid that time coz the doctors said she had already eaten something inside so they need to let her come out via ceasarian operation, and thanks God, He guide and protect both of us, she comes out healthy and she really brings joy to my heart, though Im not perfect but I will try my best to give her what she need as she grows up.

She came unexpected but the joy she brings is very priceless and no one can replace.


@George_Dee this is my story, sorry just finished now, hope you will like my story

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$ 0.50 from @George_Dee
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3 years ago


I am moved by your story and it really made me emotional because it reminded me of my past.

Surviving wasn't easy a kid but we bless God for what we have become today, I am sure that we are still going places and our stories would be an inspiration to many others.

I am happy you shared this despite your challenge with English, I am using the tip to encourage because you can do better..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you, yes you are right, im not good at english, but i will try my best more to create or make another article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I believe everything happens as a result of our actions and decisions, as well as according to God's will. You are surely blessed with a baby that will might change your life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes she really change my whole life

$ 0.00
3 years ago