Save when you can

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago

August 18, 2022

Year 1999 when I graduted hig school and when I start working also and I was only 17 years old that time, my reason of working at early age is poverty and at the same time broken family, my father lives in our province and my mom is at the city. Actually my mom wants me to continue my studies in college at the city but I refused since she was living with other guy and I am a Papas girl, so I choose to work and support my father in our province, but I also support my siblings who live with my mom, but I did not spend time with them that time.

As first timer to have my own hard earned money, I never think of any investments, after sending money with my mom and father, I spend all the remainings with my needs and wants.

Until one time I really run out of budget as in simot tlga, to the point that we dont have money to buy for our lunch(our because my brother is with me that time and just about to start his work). What I have in my wallet is I think ₱20 pesos and ₱500 on my savings account.

So I decided to withdrew the money on savings account with the ₱20 with me for my fare back and forth, but sad to say that the nearest bank where I first stop was offline, so I decided to go to the main bank and I need to ride again coz its a bit far but on the back of my mind I was thinking what if the main bank is offline too, I dont have any money with me, so what I did is I just walk going to the main bank goodthing I have my umbrella with coz its almost noon time, and I think it was ny fate that time because the main bank is offline, so I feel exhausted but I dont have a choice so return home with just the exact fare amount with me.

I felt like crying that time when I was on the vehicle going home and I was thinking where would I get the money to buy for our lunch?

When I arrived home my brother ask whats for our lunch coz he was about go go to work, so what I did it I talk to the food store (karinderya)where we always buy our food if she can lend me her menus for lunch and I will pay the next day, and she say yes since we are her regular customer, and I feel relieved after she gave me what I order and I go home with smile on my face and let my brother take his lunch before going to work.

That incident teaches me a great lesson that I will never forget all my life, Imagine it happened many years ago but everytime I remember that incident I still felt like crying, kasi awang awa ako sa sarili ko that time, eventhough I have my boardmates where I can borrow money for the meantime, but I am not comfortable doing that because I know we are all struggling and supporting our own family and I am not really fond of borrowing money from others.

So after that incident, I started to save a little even its just a coin, I have a plastic mug before inside my cabinet and only me can access it, whenever I had ₱5 coin with me I always put there and it became my practice and my siblings were always happy especially during Christmas seasons coz I gave it to them or sometimes I used it shower/paagaw ng pera during the christmas eve.

End Notes

Never forget to save for the future, because we really never can tell when is the time that we will be needing those savings we have.

$ 0.67
$ 0.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Ruffa
$ 0.03 from @Princessbusayo
+ 5
Sponsors of Adrielle1214
Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago


I always see to it to save some even a little in a regular basis. It helps us a lot especially during pandemic that my husband can't work. Hindi mo namamalayan sa pagtagal at konting barya nakakaipon ka na pala ng malaki laking halaga.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes kahit papiso piso lumalaki din yan atleast may madudukot ka

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When you are hungry, you will usually choose between two options: eat or die. You will either spend all your money on food or starve. You can't do both at once because there is no room for both options in your stomach.

When you eat, it takes away space from things that need more food—like water or air—and so if you eat too much food at one time, then there won't be enough room left over for other things like air or water that need more space in order for us to survive on Earth (which means we could die). This is why we should always make sure that we spend our money wisely by only buying what we need at one time so we don't end up wasting any.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True, and that teaches me after.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Some situations give us good lessons for our lives, and this is a good advice. We don't know the future...

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes we dont know what is the future ahead of us, saving a little may help

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Saving is very important nowadays because we can never take what tomorrow will bring. Saving is very essential in times of emergencies.

$ 0.01
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago

Money is hard to find but the wisdom of using money is often neglected, learn from past lives and don't repeat it so as not to starve to death.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes thats the lesson i learned

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lagi kaming nagtatabi for savings.. lagi ding nagagalaw.. Ang advantage lang tlga, may madudukot kpag emergency at di na need mangutang.. Maaga din Ako nagwork. 16

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Diba laking tulong tlga kahit papano, ang utang pa naman ngaun lagi ng my tubo

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago

Savings will save one against emergency and no matter how much we earn, even if it is little, save it continuously because we never can tell what will happen tomorrow and we would need it.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True thats what I start doing after that experience of having nothing on my pocket

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kaya talaga kapag may pera wag ubos biyaya. Mag tabi kahit barya barya. Kapag naipon yan sobrang akling bagay na nyaan. Ako yan ginagawa ko ee. Sa online nga lang. Sana laang ee mapalago ko pa areh. Dahil sa totoi lang talaga ang hirap ng walang cash sa bulsa.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Sobra madam, ako medyo tuyo ang online ko, pero may nakakipit ako sa wallet ko na ndi alam ni partner bukod pa dun sa pinapaikot ko sa gcash business ko

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's hard to save when the inflation is so high but it is necessary and important to do so as you said the whole thing ~ I'm trying hard to save somehow.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes the inflation is very high but still a penny a day is a big help someday when you need it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo friend tama yan kailangan natin magipon for our future.. Pero dapat we save as many as we can para malaki-laki mahugot natin...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kung wla nga sis malaki kahit barya barya lng

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very important talaga ang mag-save in case of walang trabaho or emergencies sis kasi may makukuha tayo. Noon balewala lang sa akin ang mag save pero ngayon na May anak na ako, natuto na ako kasi mahirap kung walang savings tapos May anak na papakainin.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ako sis simula nung naexperience ko yan kahit paunti unti ndi ako nagpapawala ng sarili kong pera

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is very important to save for future use. Your experience is very painful.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes very very important

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Maganda talaga may ipon kahit konti. Lalo sa panahon ngayon.

$ 0.01
User's avatar Yen
1 year ago

True mommy kahit konti

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Napakahalaga talaga na mag save my friend. Yan talaga nireremind ko sa self ko. Mag save kasi we don't know what will happen.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes kahit maliit na amount basta meron

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes friend tas lalaki lang yan patagal ng patagal.

$ 0.00
1 year ago