Lifes distraction

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2 years ago

Everyone has its own distractions in life, whether is physical distractions or mental distractions, I will get envy if somebody will told me that he/she never get distracted with thier life throughout.

As I started writing this article, I said to myself that I want to finish it before my baby wakes up from her afternoon nap, then a little mouse passed by on our floor so I did follow where it goes because it might get inside our cabinet or durabox, so just starting writing but get distracted immediately, mousy mousy please go away. So lets get back to writing, in the morning I always set in my mind which activity should be done first, and its filling up our water drum, because water is used from time to time, so I bring my baby with me at the backyard, the water pump is there, so while pumping manually the water pump I notice that the water is not increasing so I stop first and return home to check the faucets if its left open, and to my surprised yes I left it open and our sink is overflowing, so I need to stop and clean the mess first or else the water will run to the floor, and thats another distraction., After cleaning the mess I continue filling the water drum.

Then getting inside, and need to start my chores, so cleaning the floor and starts cooking the rice before preparing our viand, I will ask my baby if she is going to pee and she answers me no, then while preparing the viand to be cook, and then while cleaning the fish my baby will tell MAMA I'm going to pee, so I need to washed my hands and lower her pajama and undies for her to pee, and bring it back on after her pee, after that need to finish what I'm doing, and oops another distraction, somebody is selling afternoon snacks so I need to stop and buy first or else you will hear how my stomach rumble groog groog hihi, and of course while writing i start eating too, but just one piece and later I will eat again once my baby is awake.

Our afternoon snacks

At night after all my chores are finish I pray my rosary, but before I start my rosary I have a lists of intentions and reciting it on my mind one by one, and while doing it, a certain word or there is accidentally something that will comes out to my mind like what I'm gonna post in or what article to write, and then I will talk to myself erase I'm reciting my intentions and pray my rosary so focus self, until you finished our rosary, then I start reciting my rosary by myself while baby is enjoying her nursery ryhmes, then while praying my baby will ask something so i get distracted again as much as I want to focus on my praying, but I need to answer her questions first or else she will not stoo asking, then told her to watch first and Mama is praying.

My rosary

For me life is a little bit boring if we are not get distracted because, in other way it helps us and leaving some lessons too, distractions are not always negative, there are still a positive sides of distractions and it depends on us on how to overcome those distractions.

Got another chance to join the prompt, I do hope what I write was correct about distractions. You can write yours too. The rules are below!

The rules are easy!

  1. Write anything about distraction

  2. Write 100% original content

  3. Join and submit to the community PromptlyJonica

  4. Tag me,@JonicaBradley

  5. Have fun!

Thanks to my sponsors, and other bloggers that gives me inspiration to give myself a try in blogging

Thank you, enjoy and Spread love!



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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


These days, actually already months. I always get distracted, I easily get irritated. Before I can easily think on some ways which have make me focus but now so hard:(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe a little break frim everything will help:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I let myself be distracted from what I do sometimes because there are some things that need to be attended to right away.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you said it right

$ 0.00
2 years ago