First Ride On A Ferry

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
3 years ago

Are you a fun of travelling in and outside the country? Or are an adventurous one!

Well let me share with you my adventure during this trip, my first time riding on a ferry

It was last week of October and we were having a holiday on the next couple of days, holiday because its ALL SAINTS and ALL SOULS DAY so my boardmate invited me that if I want we can spent our holiday with one of her friends house in thier province, her friends province is from Mindoro, and of course im fun of travelling so I decided that yes Im going with them, my boardmates told me that we will ride a ferry boat going to Mindoro, and Im so excited for that because if that happens its my first time to ride in a boat.

And the day comes that we are going to Mindoro, as we go to the pier, We saw a huge amount of passengers, im feeling excited and at the same time afraid coz its my first time., So we go to the counter and pay for our fare, and we choose the ordinary one, i forgot the term i thinks its like balcony, just an open space with chairs thats the place we stayed while riding on the boat, and when the vessel starts, i feel that it was like shaking so, i hold my boardmates hands coz i really feel afraid, and while we're on the trip, i started thinking, WHAT IF THESE BOAT SINK IN WHAT WILL I DO, HOW WILL MY FAMILY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME THEY KNOW IM AT WORK BUT NOW IM IN THESE BOAT these are the thoughts that are playing in my mind, because I never ask permission with my mother, as you all know im leaving with my boardmates., So after those thoughts I just pray silently on my mind that we can arrive safely to our destination, and I think after 2-3hours we arrived safe at the calapan pier, and im so happy, and while we are going out on the boat, I saw about 2-3 jeepney with full of banana in the lower part of the boat and the driver is so tightly sleeping on his improvised hammock, then the thoughts across again in my mind, what if we sink in because of the jeepneys with full of bananas. But all those thoughts was erased eventually since we arrived safe to the pier. And so after that we ride a van going to the town proper of my boardmates friend and when we reach the destination, we eat and rest then the next day we visit in the cementery and have some walk around since they celebrate fiesta too, so we wach some parade and i saw the indegenous people going down the city and asking for some foods. We had fun even just for 2nights and 1day.

Then the time came for us to return to work, so again we will ride the cargo vessel/boat, but due to huge amount of passengers my boardmates friend decided that we can ride the small one they call it RORO/FAST CAT, this is only for people no cargoes and the travel time is about 30minutes, the fare is more expensive than the cargo vessels or the big boat. So we all agreed that we will ride the RORO since we need to be back before the day ends, because the next day we will be back to work, so as we are about to ride the roro, again the thoughts is playing again with my mind, and as usual im praying silently and i enjoyed riding the RORO, it was really faster and you can feel the waves and the sea water that sprinkle on your face while the RORO is on the way. And after 30minutes, we arrived the Batangas pier safely, Thanks God.,It was really a fun and my holiday is spent very well.


Ask permission or inform our parents when we go to the other places, for security purposes and also for respect to them.


$ 0.86
$ 0.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @George_Dee
$ 0.03 from @ARTicLEE
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3 years ago


It's great that you enjoyed the holiday. Your concerns were real so you have the right to be worried. I'm glad that nothing untoward event happened.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes thanks God that He protects me and my friends during the trip, because if that boat sink in, maybe was never here anymore since i dont know how to swim hehe

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Drowning is also one of my greatest fears. Let's learn how to swim asap :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Despite the fear and anxiety, I see that you enjoyed every part of the trip. I once had such an experience and it was a very scary day for me because the boat engine got stuck with a water plant.

I was really worried but we got help and was transferred into another boat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes i really enjoyed my trip:)

Aww really, good thing they call a help immediately, travelling by water was a nice and fun and at the same the fear is in it, especially when yoomu don't know how to swim like me:)

$ 0.00
3 years ago