Fake Money but with Life Lesson

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1 year ago

Hello everyone! Its been long time that I did not publish here because I was busy looking for somethibg to earn but of course visiting and reading article is what I am doing some days.

Some of you already knew that I am doing a small business here at home is the online sending of money and of course I am not putting much interest with it because I know its not good too and thats one reason why the customers chooses me with thier transactions, and with this small online business I can help to buy some snacks for us family, but I am not aware of fake money.

But yesterday was a different day, because I ask a favor from ny partners nephew who will go to the city for his errand, I sk him to reload my GCASH ACCOUNT and I held him extra money for his fare back and forth and he is also the one who always received the free load I get from shareit.

After handling him the money we parted ways, then when we arrived home he message me.

Him: Ate Annie the ₱100($2) you handed me is fake, did you recognized who pay or handed it to you?

Me: really? I dont know and never even remember who handed it to me. How did you recognize that it was fake?

Him: (explaining the details to me)

After few minutes he arrived and handed me the money,and when I touched it, it was really different and the special features of true money was really absence thats why it was fake.

Fake(the area with encircle should also have the face of whose with the said money when you check it with the light, just like the photo below).
Not fake/original

After checking cash on hand I feel relieved because there are no fake on it, and now I became extra aware of the money that I am receiving, because to be honest its my first time to see a fake money and this isthe big lesson I learned and I am still thankful that it was not a big amount, or else am gonna cry for sure.

I am sharing this for you to be aware also. Thank you for your time.

$ 0.08
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @Jane
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1 year ago
