A typographical Error but leads to Devastations

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago

We are created by God almost perfect, but we are just human being that made mistakes, but committing the same mistakes repeatedly is punishable too. So we must ensure that in everything we do we should be anxious.

There are some mistakes that committed unintentionally and I know its forgivable but sometimes those mistakes can make someones life devastated. Yes for some its a simple mistakes but for those who have a big dream in thier life, its unforgivable mistakes coz thier future lies with it.

I have a friend who is planning to work abroad, coz she knows her future will be at good once she pursue her career abroad. So of course before you can work abroad theres alot of paper works that you need to fixed. So she start completing all the documents, but to her dismayed upon looking at her birth certificate she found out that there was an error, it stated there that she is MALE. So she immediately ask on how to deal with it. As per advise she needs to undergo some medical check-up to check if she did not undergo gender surgery, valid ids stating that she is a FEMALE, school credentials with gender on it.

HHer birth certificate and the error on it

But before she start completing those requirement, she go to her province to seek the advice of the civil registrar, so upon arriving at the province, there is no current civil registrar coz the last registrar was already retired and the position is vacant and waiting for applicants. So even she hurriedly fixed all the required papers and documents needed it will be useless since there is no civil registrar who will filed it.

So in this aspects, we can see how it affects once life right? Yes its a simple mistake, but it has a big impact in someones life. Its just an "X" marked on a gender corner but see how someones life get devastated with it. How much money you need to spend just to fix that simple X marked there, where in fact they will just put a counter sign at that part, but you need to do in process that will cost alot of money and time and efforts too.

I know in this part our parents has the big role in checking all the details before proceeding, but still we can't put all the blame on them coz before most of our parents are busy and sometimes not that well educated and know how important all the details right. So the big responsibility rely on the civil registrar coz they know how important the birth certificate in one life.

I know that I become a mother and I filed my babies birth certificate, I really double check the details, coz I dont want my baby experience the same thing when she grew up.

How about you my fellow writers amd readers and upvoters of readcash, did you experience the same thing? Or do you know someone or somebody experience the same thing a simple error yet affected their life so much? Feel free to share on my comment section and I love to hear and read that too.

To my sponsors(old and new) thank you so much for continous support.❤️

Thank you and God Blesa Us All !

🌹Annie Marie🌹


$ 1.64
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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


You are a great writer. More power to you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you, but there more writers here that are better than me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako naman sis sa baptismal certificate ko. Kasi nangeelam yung pari na dagdag an ng "Maria" yung pangalan ko. Buti sa birth cert ko.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ay ganun, mali naman un, ang hirap kya mag-ayos, sis sori napindot ko ung spam🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm relate from this error of birth certificate, I found also that time when I'm preparing my requirements to work in company I found may the letter is wrong and all of my credentials is different in my birth certificate, I angry to mother because she is the onenof responsible for this she didn't double check

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We can't put all the blame to them sis, since, alam naman natin na tama nilagay nila, un nga ndi agad nila nadoublecheck

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama nga kaya lang Di namqn nila na check kung tama Yong isinulat

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Both parties may kasalanan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga tapos ,ang hirap mag Korek ,kaya ako double check ko talaga ang mga papers ng anak ko noong nag pa registered ako

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama grabe gastos na abala pa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako sissy hahaha yong year but with purpose na hanggang ngaun dinadala ko ang edad na un hahaha at wala nako balak palitan kc lahat ng documents at id ko un nakalagay

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Tama sis, madali lng yun, kasi pede ka mag-adjust

$ 0.00
2 years ago