What I Have Learned As A Young Writer.

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2 years ago
Topics: Writing

What will be the perfect article for you to read? What is the perfect story for you to write? Think of it and write it.

What makes an article great? What makes a book great that when you start reading you don't want to stop? We all want to attract people with basically everything, what we wear, how we talk, how we do things and even what we write. So how do writers remain attractive and keep attracting people to read their books and articles?

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For me, most times being honest when writing a story that concerns me or talks about me was a big obstacle, but I as read other books and articles and saw how those authors were honest, I could then see the connection they ( authors ) starts having or are having with the readers and that felt right.

So be honest when you write, the reason why we write is that we want the world to see what we have, for them to feel what we felt when writing and understand what we wrote, so you being honest not only draws your audience to you but it connects you with them, they will be able to feel what you feel and can see the sincerity and honesty you put in.

Being Honest can be challenging and you sure will feel very uncomfortable about it, but being honest more than you can comfortably be draws people to you.


The thought of some writers is that; "it is just a story I made up " with that idea in mind they write without bringing their characters to life, giving it life and making the audience see those characters as they are seeing them.

Give life to your characters, make your readers go on an imaginary journey in your head to see how you see those characters or how you want those characters to be seen and you keeping them as real as possible.


When am tired is difficult for me to think because my whole body is tired and that includes the brain that thinks when writing. So I made out time when am not tired so I can be able to think and write from the heart, and that time is protected because I do nothing before that period so I won't be tired.

And sometimes even when am so tired I still have to write so I can be inspired, because me waiting or putting me in a mood to get inspiration on what to write becomes difficult, so I have to force me to write sometimes to get inspiration.


Most young writers like me, find it challenging to write without an ending, but I found out that, it challenges me more not to know the ending because it will be me adding ideas to an inevitable well thought out ending. I don't know about you, but not knowing my ending makes me think more about what to write and see how I can connect with the audience.

My Concluding Thought.

You don't need to show everything to your readers, just write and let them do the imagining, you need to include only necessary things and not cloud your readers with unnecessary details. So protect your writing time, be honest and be as real as you can.

Thanks for reading.

All images are from usplash.com

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2 years ago
Topics: Writing


I identify with being honest. Honesty and transparency is fundamental in all aspects of life. The same goes for writing. We must convey what comes from our heart. And readers notice that, that human warmth that comes out of us. Good article, best regards.

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$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true as long as you're writing an article about your life, but sometimes you can write completely fictional stories, written in the first person pretending that it's us and that it's our experiences and it would still be an interesting story.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

People are said to enjoy imaginary lines. Sometimes being honest may not attract the targeted audience

$ 0.01
2 years ago

True talk, but still being truthful with your imagination can still attract people don't you think

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depending on the content, content are abstract putting it a way to suit people need matter most regardless of telling the truth or lying. I accept your view, I want you to know that my view can still work too

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2 years ago