The World Of Cryptocurrency Connecting Us.

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2 years ago

We have lived in an era where music connected us on a deeper level and still is and where movies and sports have connected us on a profound level. These connections lives a mark to be remembered and usually friends all over the world. You make friends when you guys share common goals- you like the same music, or movies, or are interested in the same team.

The world of Bitcoin has connected people and is still connecting people, we have been in its era for a long time. The crypto-verse be it BCH, Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum and many more has been connecting us on a deeper level. The crypto-verse has inspired an ever-growing large number of followers and users.

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Is For Everyone.

No matter your religion, ethnicity or faith you can freely access any of the cryptocurrencies. In localities where they don't have access to banks or other state infrastructures but have internet access one can buy, sell, trade and transmits across a decentralised vast network of users. Its decentralised nature makes it possible for the exchange to be done across borders.

The use of cryptocurrency will bring about a financial revolution that will leave everyone ( who is in the crypto-verse) financial stable, connected and enabled. An added advantage is that there are so many apps and programs now that facilitate the use of cryptocurrencies and bring them closer to the ever-growing audiences.

Transaction Rate Is Low.

Who doesn't like the idea of cheap transactions? I know I do, I think because they don't need an actual building to exist, the rate for the transaction is low, there is no need for paying taxes, salaries to workers, utility bills or maintenance, all this combined makes it possible for a low transaction cost.

You can trade with no minimum deposit required ( depending on the broker you use) this in turn encourages more and more people to begin trading. All transactions are digitalized and so they are tracked in a distributed ledger that also contributes to making it have a low rate transaction. The rate at which the crypto-verse is growing makes it possible for more cheap and safe transaction methods.

Leverage For Entrepreneurs.

Not to sound like an advertiser or anything but there is no better time to start and boost your business than now, in the sense that cryptocurrency can help business owners receive payment in more and different currencies.

The world is changing and the change is fast, very fast, the rate and speed at which the cryptocurrency is growing and taking over is a sure indication that in years to come we might not need the traditional financial institutions we have. Some needs are emerging and the traditional financial institutions can no longer address them, the crypto-verse has everything it needs to address such needs.

It has everything we need and is just a matter of time before the cryptocurrencies find their way through our very lives, fashioning our lives, helping millions to have the opportunity to invest, save, send money across borders and start a business and even help your family thanks the world of cryptocurrencies.

My Conclusion.

Cryptocurrency is fashioning our lives now and living a mark to be remembered.

Thanks for reading.

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$ 0.06
$ 0.03 from @Olasquare
$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
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2 years ago


Indeed, crypto currency has a lot of good opportunity specially to business, however we also can't blame if some don't wanna take the risk as crypto is very risky.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the beauty about cryptocurrency but still, a lot of people don't get it. It's for everyone that wants. Of course everything with its risk but life is about risks too. I wish we have it sooner hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh... No the rate is getting low. I'm sad seeing those red marks below the amount

$ 0.00
2 years ago