My First Novel Ever.

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2 years ago

As the rain poured, she could feel it tingling down her face and her red colour dress becoming wet, the blood in her hands began washing off and finally for the first time she felt free and to her, there is nothing like it.

It all started fifteen years ago when her whole family were killed by a mob, and De Grease the head of a mafia gang took her in as his own. He taught her how to fight and thought her the act of manipulation and made her become a professional prostitute for the De Grease family. With all she has learned she could get any amount without even haggling, she made a lot of money for the De Grease family and because of that everyone liked her, and she was found to be with.

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She was called by a client, who she has been seeing for quite some time, and this call, this time was specially different, because is about to change everything she has ever believed in and maybe put the one thing she has ever loved in danger.
" Everything you know and believe in and the people you trust and make thousands for everyday have been lying to you your whole life," he says to her. And smiling while she goes to pour a drink for herself, and with a beautiful and seductive smile she asked; "What do you mean by that?".

" The De Grease has been lying to you your whole life, he is the mob that had your family killed because he was told that your dad who has been working for him for years was stealing from him"; He explained to her.

He went on to explain everything to her and now all she has been hiding and trying to keep dwindle has finally eemerged, revenge. She has always thought of killing every single person responsible for making her or putting her in the situation she is in now. And now that is back, she wants to kill every one of them.

With tears in her eyes she made her way to the door carrying her coat hung on what seemed to be a chair, as she opens the door he said once more; "They know". Turning to him with her hand on the open door handle she said;
" They know what?".
"They know you have a daughter". He added.
Enraged and with tears running down her cheeks she made her way through the hall of the hotel down the lobby and out of the hotel.

As she drives back home all she could think of is how to protect her 4-year-old daughter whom she thought she was hiding from the De Grease and the only solution she could think of is vengeance, killing them all so they won't come after her daughter. A desperate mother going after a mafia empire with no plan at all, but doing this sets her free, gives her a purpose and protect her daughter from the world she has been hiding her from.

De Grease has four sons and her being like a family knows where they will be at and the exact time, the first she killed in a club owned by their father, the second at his home and the third she killed in one of their father's warehouse, and she made sure she left no traces or trigger anything so as not to warn De Grease himself so he won't go into hiding because she is saving him for last.

It's 29 minutes past ten pm and the sky is changing and then lighting it's about to rain, she made her way to the car and drives to the last person she has always thought of killing but never knew it will be the person she calls father. She made it to the big mansion where De Grease is and he welcomes her in and they went into the study, where he has a library and the artefacts that he has collected over the years. He sat down on his chair and she stood close to a dagger as she gently rubs on it and she asked;
" Why, why did you take me in after killing my entire family?"
Surprised he stood up and walked toward her and as he was coming she carried the dagger and pierce right through his stomach and crying she says; " Am sorry but I have to protect my daughter"

Going down his kneel she goes down with him holding and pushing in the dagger and as he struggles for his life she keeps pushing the dagger in and taking his last breath she says "All your sons are dead too".

It's raining outside and walking outside with blood in her as the rain poured, she could feel it tingling down her face and her red colour dress becoming wet, the blood in her hands began washing off and finally for the first time she felt free and to her, there is nothing like it.

Thanks for reading.

All images are from
Wrote the whole novel when I was younger.
This is just a summary of the whole thing.

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2 years ago


Keep it up mate.

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2 years ago