Is Crypto The Next Thing?

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2 years ago

Am I the only one seeing this or everyone else is seeing it too. Because Is getting out of hand and it will make lives easier for all. OK am talking about Crypto y'all๐Ÿ˜›.

Advertisement,apps, websites and basically everywhere now is just full of Crypto, Crypto this, Crypto that, just here and there.

So seeing all of that I was like let me write a little and show you guys what am seeing from my side of the world here. I was talking to a friend just yesterday and he also dig this crypto currency stuff and he was convinced and annoyed for hours even after we separated he still charted me up and still continued with the crypto stuff. I even told him I got his ideas and obsession with crypto because am also into it too, why, what am here you all am on so am into it too.

With the world is moving I will like to say that am convinced to ask this question, Is Crypto The Next Thing?

What do you guys think ? I have my reasons to why Crypto is the Next big thing What are yours let share our thoughts.

So this is my search for crypto on Google play store

There are crypto trackers, there are apps you can trade, exchange and buy crypto. Is this the next big thing or is already the big thing?

And a Google search for crypto this is what comes up


  • Can we Trust the Crypto World?

  • Why Is everyone getting into It?

  • Is the Government With Crypto Or Against it?

  • Is Your Money Safe in Crypto?

  • What will life be like if Crypto were our Money in Our Daily Lives?

  • What will be the rate of Crime if Everyone's Money is Crypto?

  • Will there Still Be need For Banks?

  • Will it be safe if everyone was into it?

  • Will it still gold as it is now that not all are into it?

These Questions I think are what we all need to look into and when we answer that then we will know our standing with the crypto world and can know where we can go with it and at what rate and level.

  • When is the Best time to buy crypto?

  • When is the best time to sell?

A lot of celebrities too, are all getting involved in cryptocurrency and are making it their day to day lives and is easier too.

I can rightly say now that, with the way the crypto world is going and booming up and down, it will surely be the next big thing, because anyone now making transactions outside your country now makes those transactions with crypto and that makes it more easier for some persons and in some countries too. Just think of it crypto currency being out there, for everyone and all will just be out of this world.

Thanks for reading.

The Nine Known Cryptos in the World now,that everyone is talking about.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @GarrethGrey07
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2 years ago


As what we have know, crypto is very volatile. I cannot say that we can trust them all as not actually all cryto succeed, but I can't even say that we can't trust it in anyway as somehow there's still lots of crypto that succeeded in time. ๐Ÿ˜…

$ 0.00
2 years ago