Seemanto Heera 01 ³

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3 years ago

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I drove that evening. Nothing significant happened along the way, just a conversation with a very sociable gentleman. After saying that there was no one but the three of us in the second class room, the gentleman asked, "Where are the mosquitoes going??"

In reply, Byomkesh smiled sweetly and asked, "Where are the mosquitoes going??"

The gentleman was puzzled by the question for a while and muttered, "I'll get off at this next station."

Byomkesh said in a sweet voice as before, "We will also go down to her next station."

There was no need to lie unnecessarily, but I didn't say anything, realizing that Byomkesh had a purpose. As soon as the car stopped, the gentleman bowed down. It was night, and in the crowd on the platform, where he had disappeared in an instant, I could no longer see him.

After two or three stations, I lowered the window glass and raised my voice outside, Suddenly I saw the gentleman staring at our car with his head out the window in an inter-class room next door. As soon as he met her eyes, he shook his head with lightning. Excited, I turned to Byomkesh and said, "Hey -"

Byomkesh said, “I know. The gentleman got into the car next door. It's not as trivial as I thought it was. Good! ”

Then I looked out the window at almost every station, but I didn't see the gentleman's hair.

I arrived at my destination early the next morning.The station is small, about six to seven miles from there by motor. An employee of the zamindar was present with an expensive motorbike, and he gave us a warm welcome. We got on the motor. Then the motor sped off in a lonely path.

The employee is elderly and discreet; As soon as Byomkesh asked him a question or two, he said, "I don't know anything, Mister! I just got the order to take you from the station, so I am taking it. ”

We stared, but nothing happened. When I reached the zamindar bhaban, I saw that it was a divine act! Indrapuri is sitting in the middle of the field. Huge former five-storey building - garden, hot house, pool, tennis court, kachari house, guest house, post office,How much more! surrounded by about thirty to forty bighas of land. Lashkar-e-Gomsta Sarkar Khatak tenants have gathered around. As soon as we stopped in front of our motor house, the private secretary of the zamindar himself came and greeted us and took us inside. An entire court was reserved for us. The secretary said, “You wash your face and hands and get water. Until then, Kumar Bahadur will also be ready to meet you. ”

After taking a bath, he went o An entire court was reserved for us. The secretary said, “You wash your face and hands and get water. Until then, Kumar Bahadur will also be ready to meet you. ”

After taking a bath, a lot of breakfast came from outside. Destroying it as usual, I was smoking in contentment, when the secretary came and said, “Kumar Bahadur is waiting for you in the library room. If you're free - come with me. "

We got up and followed him.Going to Rajasaksha, I entered the library room with such a feeling.Starting from the name ‘Kumar Tridivendranarayana’, seeing the grandeur of all things, a serious idea about Kumar Bahadur was born in his mind,But when he appeared before her, the illusion vanished. I saw that a simple-minded young man like us, wearing a simple Punjabi, had a fair complexion and was not very stylish.As soon as we left, he got up from his chair, raised his hand and saluted. Hesitating for a moment, he said to Byomkesh, “Are you Byomkeshbabu? Come on. ”

Byomkesh introduced me and said, "He is my friend, assistant and future biographer."

Kumar Tridib laughed and said, “Hopefully, the need to write your biography is still far away. Ajitbabu has come, I am very happy.Because, mainly through his writing, we get to know your name. ”

I was overjoyed. The one who trades in print knows how sweet the unsolicited mention of his own writing is in the mouths of others. I understood that even though he was a rich zamindar, the man was very well educated and intelligent. I looked around the library room and saw that the cupboards attached to the walls were crammed with various types of books. There are also many books scattered on the table. There is no doubt that the library room is not only for the decoration of the manor house, but also for its proper use.

After exchanging politeness for a while, Kumar Bahadur said, "Let's start work now."

He ordered the secretary, “You can go now. Make sure no one enters this room. ”

When the secretary closed the door and left, Kumar Tridib leaned back in his chair and said, “The work for which I have called you with so much trouble is as serious as it is confidential. So before you say anything, you have to promise that it will not be heard by a third person. The reason for such caution is that the dignity of our family is involved in this matter. ”

Byomkesh said, "I don't think there is any need to make a promise. It is not our business to tell a client's secret to another person." But when you want a promise, there is no obstacle to give.Tell me how to make a promise. ”

Kumar laughed and said, “You don't need copper basil. Your word of mouth is enough. ”

I hesitated a bit and said, "Shouldn't we talk about it?"

Kumar said firmly, “No. There will be no discussion about this. ”

Maybe the spice of a good story went out of hand, I sighed at the thought. Byomkesh said, “You speak fearlessly.We will not say anything. ”

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3 years ago


Thank you so much dear this topic you share.. I like your topic.Thank you so much dear I waiting for your next article.. keep up . Best of luck..

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3 years ago

Thank You 😊 keep on Sharing ❤️

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3 years ago