Simple life…

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Avatar for Adamsaid
2 years ago

As human beings, if we look extra closely we may discover this wonderful truth that, what is within us is suppose to nurture what is without us,living will always begin from the inside; that’s how its suppose to be.

Many people have not taken care of what is within, how then can what is without take care of itself. Take care of what is inside, organize your thought process and you will surely see the complete manifestations on the outside.

If you are a peaceful being on the inside,it will show on the outside,the world would see it clearly. If you are not a peaceful being from the outside everyone will also see it,

You know why?

Things like this will show in everything around you, in your daily works of life, how you handle situations, how you talk, your believe system, the kind of energy you attract, you will often find yourself easily depressed about anything and everything.

You know why this is?

It’s simple, and it goes like this. You have come to a place in your subconscious where you may have entangled yourself with a lot of things that are not true.

Why do you interpret things you don’t understand, make sure you understand before you interpret, a lot of people don’t know this, that’s why they grow a lot of anger, anxiety in their lives.

Always try within yourself to not already chose sides before thinking about anything, it’s important to keep an open mind at all times, all sorts of thoughts will come,it is your duty to look at this and get a clearer picture.

If you don’t get a clearer pictures then, there is every tendencies that you make a mistake.


Separate yourself from the crowd, don’t do it if you don’t understand it, a lot of people do it first these day before trying to understand it, by the time they now understand it! It will no longer make sense to them, now there is no where they can put that knowledge, so they leave it there to occupy space in their subconscious.

Most people are guilty of things like this and by the time they continue to do this, in a short time; their subconscious is a complete mess, they have already entangled themselves and it becomes difficult to come out.

Their lives becomes filled with struggles,some people suffer this for the rest of their lives without ever been able to be free.

To easily escape, one must come to that place of simplicity, when you begin to find the usefulness in nothingness. When you begin to understand that simple life don’t mean simple terms.

That point where,

You no longer do it because others do it instead, you do it because it makes you happy. You are not in competition with anyone, you just living your life knowing that your life is not a destination but a journey.

Eventually, things will begin to change for you, and your life will begin to change because the universe will begin to also see you as a source and it will come to you.

However you want your life to be must first of all exist clearly for the universe to see.

$ 0.10
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @ErdoV
Avatar for Adamsaid
2 years ago


We should understand things before we do it and not just leap before looking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"You no longer do it because others do it instead, you do it because it makes you happy. You are not in competition with anyone, you just living your life knowing that your life is not a destination but a journey." I'm right at this point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your positive words really worth to share. Self care is important. When we care about oneself we also can care about others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago