Hitler Allied with Islam

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4 years ago

13 Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS 'Handschar' (kroatische Nr. 1)

That is the name of the SS Division that some 26,000 Muslims fought for Hitler in.

The divisional strength reached the required 26,000 men by mid 1943. Adolf Hitler approved of Himmler's idea on February 13th 1943. The Croatian Poglavnik, Ante Pavelic, and his ministers had many problems with the idea, but eventually agreed to the division's creation on March 5th 1943.

Muslim Clerics and the Nazis:

Killing over 800,000 Yugoslav citizens - 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000 Roma. These are the numbers I have so far, the Muslim Clerics helped oversee the murders.

Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Top Muslim Cleric, was a great ally by organizing "in record time" recruitment to Muslim SS units in Croatia that would be involved in some of the worse atrocities of the Second World War.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem:

Once in Berlin, the Mufti received an enthusiastic reception by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the whole Islamic community of Germany, which welcomed him as the "Führer of the Arabic world."

In 1943 the Mufti traveled several times to Bosnia, where on orders of the SS he recruited the notorious "Hanjar troopers," which slaughtered 90% of Bosnia's Jews and burned countless Serbian churches and villages. These Bosnian Muslim recruits rapidly found favor with SS chief Heinrich Himmler, who established a special Mullah Military school in Dresden.

After the war, Husseini fled to Switzerland and from there escaped via France to Cairo, were he was warmly received.

I am Jay

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4 years ago


Are there any authentic documents or known books to back the claims in this write up? I eagerly anticipate your response.

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User's avatar M3i
4 years ago



There are many more, We can also look toward the Writings of Hans Frank, the Gov.-General of Poland, this is a good place to start.

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4 years ago