The consequence of my past life (final chapter).

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3 years ago

The story continues...

Ayisha, Ali's sister intruded with a statement when she saw that the embarrassment was too much for her brother and the family to bear.

"Enough is enough, my brother was here yesterday evening watching television and never took a step outside". Ayisha made this statement to confirm her brother whereabout by then.

"Ah ah, how can one person be at two different places at the same time? This cannot be possible". Nsiah rhetoricated. As the argument was still in motion, Fatima casted her mind back trying to figure out the thief who resembled her son so well.

She lately experienced a flashback which came with a severe shock.

"Since Ali senior hands are clean, I suspect nobody but Ali junior". Fatima thought on these. Her twins delivery was her greatest mystery in her locality. Nobody in her vicinity knew about it including her children.

She was well convinced that the thief in question was Ali junior, her own son, who he sold to Agatha, a childless woman for money in taking care of herself. Fatima was tempted to do so because the man who impregnated her died in road accident leaving her no legacy to depend on. Life by then was very hard for her to cope with, so had no choice but accept the offer Agatha made.

As the crowd was about to pounce on Ali with beatings, Fatima shouted, "stop, he is not the guilty one, but i'm convinced that Ali junior, his twin brother is the guilty one".

"Wonders shall never end". The crowd shouted amazingly in accordance.

"Who is Ali junior?", Boatemaa asked again as if she never heard what Fatima said.

Fatima took her time and narrated the whole story about her past life to the people around for the sake of her son's life, Ali senior. It was really a pathetic story to the people around.

This made the crowd laid down their weapons which they intended to brutalise Ali senior with.

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have taken such decision. I'm the one to be blamed". Fatima said sadly.

As the crowd was thinking about the sudden shocked story from Fatima, A radio station confirmed in news that a thief with the same discription as Ali junior has been shot dead by security after making attempt to rub a rural bank. It was also stated that Killer which happens to be the Nick name of Ali junior has been on the wanted lists of the police for a long time.

According to the police, killer's death was a joy to them.

On hearing the shock news from a nearby radio, Fatima couldn't withstand the heartbreak message, so she fell down and died.


This is the final chapter of the consequence of my past life.

Thanks for stopping by and reading through.

Lead image credit goes to 👇

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$ 0.05 from @bmjc98
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3 years ago


Fiction lang po ba to?

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3 years ago