Baby's diary: I love you, mama! (Part 1)

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Day 1

Hi mommy! Mommy, I’m here! I don’t know if you’re already aware that I’m living inside your tummy! *giggles* don’t worry mommy, I will surprise you soon. I’m so excited to see you, mommy.  I might be as little a jellybean now but my arms and legs I’ll grow soon, I know you will take care of me mommy. I love you so much.

Day 20

Mom, I'm growing! I can feel my body getting bigger a bit, well just a bit mommy. I still look like a little lump though. I really love how warm here inside your tummy, but I think I will love it even more when you can cradle me in your arms. *sigh*

Day 45

I really can't wait to meet you, mom. I want you to notice me but I still can't move. And oh mommy! About the other day, I'm sorry that you felt nauseous. It's because of me right? But please mommy, don't take that white, round capsule again. It's hurting me.

Day 60

Good morning mommy! How's your sleep? I bet I disturbed you a lot last night, you've been peeing a lot. I really love you mom and I don't want to interrupt your sleep but I can't help it, I'm growing. I bet you're getting suspicious, right? You're opening up to daddy lately. Yep mommy! you're hunch was right. I'm here, I'm here! You better take a pregnancy test because I'm sooooo excited! I want to see your reaction mommy.

To be continued...

Part 2 link here:

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Keep writing article with good means. God less u

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thanks! please look out for the next part. I will post it tomorrow.

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Sure pls do like my comment..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article keep posting 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks emerlyn!

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Wow I really enjoyed reading the story. When a child shares everything with his mother, the mother's heart is filled with joy. I hope this is exactly the story.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tune in for next part...

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Nice post.thank you writter.

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4 years ago

প্রত্যেক মাঝে মধ্যে সন্তানকে ভালোবাসে তেমনি তার সন্তানরা তার মাকে সব থেকে বেশি ভালোবাসে।এই পৃথিবীতে একমাত্র মাই পারে তার সন্তানকে নিঃস্বার্থভাবে ভালবাসতে।

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am enjoying much at read cash by reading yoir article.Really you write well.Keep writting.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thanks! i hope you'll read my other writings as well

$ 0.00
User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Wow!!! It was a very adorable story. I like the story very much. Babies are the greatest blessings from Almighty. Babies are God gifted.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks!! I agree, i really love babies, they are so cute and adorable

$ 0.00
User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

You are absolutely right. Babies are so cute, they are very innocent. We all should love them very much.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow it was very interesting story. I love you writting. I think i become a fan of your writing.keep writting.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Omg this is so cute 🥺🥺 A mothers love is truly something else and the connection a mother and a baby inside their tummy has, amazing. even science cant explain

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes I do agree, that's why i really love my mom and i'm so proud of her ☺

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago