— I find my heart broken again, as the blood begins to spill,
Feeling the pain surging in my veins, throughout my body,
Tears flowing from my eyes, as I try to wipe them dry,
Wondering what did I do to deserve this kind of hurt,
As I felt the cold gush of wind, against my warm skin.
I was just sitting by the edge of a stone by the cliff,
Looking down and seeing that it seems an endless pit,
No, I am not going to jump down to my death,
I am just watching the abyss below me as if I am gonna fall,
But no, I am not going to jump off this cliff and die.
Even if my heart was bleeding from the brokenness,
I am also trying to heal myself and the pains I've been through,
Even if I see some pieces of my heart near my fingers,
As I try to keep it all together, to be whole all over again,
Even if the healing is much painful than the hurt or pain I've been through.
'Cause even if I am going through this kind of hell again,
It makes me realize how fragile I can be, in each attempt I make,
I get bruised and broken, swollen and in real pain,
But each of it makes me stronger, even if I am breakable,
As I learn to be much wiser in each experience I've been through.
Photo from: Pinterest